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Apache HBase . Default: ./conf. HOSTS Override the list in 'regionservers' file. Some commands take arguments.
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Pass no args or - h for usage. Canary. There is a Canary class can help users to canary- test the HBase cluster status, with every column- family for every regions or Region. Server’s granularity. Default is hbase: canary.
D< config. Property> =< value> assigning or override the configuration params. This tool will return non zero error codes to user for collaborating with other monitoring tools, such as Nagios.
Canary test for every column family (store) of every region of every table$ $. Canary test for every column family (store) of every region of specific table(s)You can also test one or more specific tables. Canary test with Region. Server granularity.
This will pick one small piece of data from each Region. Server, and can also put your Region. Server name as input options for canary- test specific Region. Server. Canary test with regular expression pattern. This will test both table test- 0.
Run canary test as daemon mode. Run repeatedly with interval defined in option - interval whose default value is 6 seconds. Force timeout if canary test stuck. In some cases the request is stuck and no response is sent back to the client. This can happen with dead Region.
Servers which the master has not yet noticed. Enable write sniffing in canary. By default, the canary tool only check the read operations, it’s hard to find the problem in the. To enable the write sniffing, you can run canary with the - write. Sniffing option. In each sniffing period, the canary will. Treat read / write failure as error. By default, the canary tool only logs read failure, due to e.
Retries. Exhausted. Exception. while returning normal exit code.
To treat read / write failure as error, you can run canary. Failure. As. Error option. When enabled, read / write failure would result in error. Running Canary in a Kerberos- enabled Cluster. To run Canary in a Kerberos- enabled cluster, configure the following two properties in hbase- site. Kerberos credentials are refreshed every 3.
Canary runs in daemon mode. To configure the DNS interface for the client, configure the following optional properties in hbase- site. Example 5. 6. Canary in a Kerberos- Enabled Cluster. This example shows each of the properties with valid values.< property> < name> hbase. Health Checker. You can configure HBase to run a script periodically and if it fails N times (configurable), have the server exit.
Driver. Several frequently- accessed utilities are provided as Driver classes, and executed by the bin/hbase command. HBase hbck. To run hbck against your HBase cluster run $./bin/hbase hbck. At the end of the command’s output it prints OK or INCONSISTENCY. Copy. Table. Copy. Table is a utility that can copy part or of all of a table, either to the same cluster or another cluster. A higher value uses more memory but. Export. Export is a utility that will dump the contents of table to HDFS in a sequence file.
Available options include. To export more than one version, replace < versions> with the desired number of versions.
Note: caching for the input Scan is configured via hbase. Import. Import is a utility that will load data that has been exported back into HBase. Import. Tsv. Import. Tsv is a utility that will load data in TSV format into HBase. Import. Tsv Options. Running Import. Tsv with no arguments prints brief usage information: Usage: importtsv - Dimporttsv. Imports the given input directory of TSV data into the specified table.
This option takes the form of comma- separated column names, where each. The special. column name HBASE. You must specify exactly one column. To instead generate. HFiles of data to prepare for a bulk data load, pass the option. Dimporttsv. bulk. Note: the target table will be created with default column family descriptors if it does not already exist. Govinda Govinda Telugu Film Songs Download.
Import. Tsv Example. For example, assume that we are loading data into a table called 'datatsv' with a Column. Family called 'd' with two columns . Import. Tsv Warning. If you have preparing a lot of data for bulk loading, make sure the target HBase table is pre- split appropriately. See Also. For more information about bulk- loading HFiles into HBase, see arch. Complete. Bulk. Load.
The completebulkload utility will move generated Store. Files into an HBase table. Complete. Bulk. Load Warning. Data generated via Map. Reduce is often created with file permissions that are not compatible with the running HBase process. WALPlayer. WALPlayer is a utility to replay WAL files into HBase.
The WAL can be replayed for a set of tables or all tables, and a timerange can be provided (in milliseconds). The WAL is filtered to this set of tables. Row. Counter and Cell. Counter. Row. Counter is a mapreduce job to count all the rows of a table. It is also possible to limit.