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Cover Pages: Extensible Markup Language (XML). It is also expected to find use in certain metadata applications. XML is fully internationalized for both European and Asian languages, with all conforming processors required to support the Unicode character set in both its UTF- 8 and UTF- 1.

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The language is designed for the quickest possible client- side processing consistent with its primary purpose as an electronic publishing and data interchange format. XML provides a mechanism to impose constraints on the storage layout and logical structure. This specification describes the required behavior of an XML processor in terms of how it must read XML data and the information it must provide to the application. Sperberg- Mc. Queen, U.

Addison Software Und Service Gmbh Means

Michael Sperberg- Mc. Queen, U. The Document Object Model Level 2 builds on the Document Object Model Level 1. Level 2 adds interfaces for a Cascading Style Sheets object model, an event model, and a query interface, amongst others. Web Collections are an application of XML, the Extensible Markup Language. Thompson, Jean Paoli, John Tigue, Norbert H. Mikula, and Steve De. Rose. Such exchange is facilitated by schemas defining the characteristics of classes of objects.

This paper describes an XML vocabulary for schemas. One immediate implication of these ideas is a substantive part of the functionalities of XML document types can now be described using the XML instance syntax itself, rather than DTD syntax. We expect XML- Data to be useful for a wide range of applications, such as describing database transfers or remotely- located Web resources. Thompson (University of Edinburgh), with contributions from Paul Grosso, Sharon Adler, Anders Berglund, Fran. How Does Fios Installation Workers. XML (e. Xtensible Markup Language) provides a general method of representing structured data in the form of lexical trees. Using this data model, markup tags in the OSD vocabulary are represented as elements of a tree. The three basic relationships between elements are parent- of, child- of, and sibling- of.

Distant relationships can be formed from recursive applications of the three basic ones. By Diganta Majumder. The DRP protocol uses a data structure called an index, which is currently specified using the e. Xtensible Markup Language (XML).

Because the index describes meta data, we anticipate using the Resource Description Format RDF), which was formerly called the Meta Content Framework (MCF), in a future versions of the DRP protocol specification. XML is used in the interim because the RDF standard was not finalized at the time of writing.

The DRP defines the following new features: (1) Content identifiers, using the existing URI specification, which can uniquely identify a piece of content; (2) An index format which can be used to describe a set of files; (3) A new HTTP header field, Content- ID, which is used to obtain the correct version of a file by specifying a content identifier; (4) A new HTTP header field, Differential- ID, which is used to obtain a differential update for a file. METAR, FM 1. 6- X Ext. SPECI, FM 5. 1- X Ext. The results of the queries are XML- formatted into OMF documents.

The designers are also working on adding other types of reports - Upper Air reports, regional SIGMETs, AIRMETS, Bathythermographs, PIREPS, etc. This algorithm has been inspired by the DOM- HASH proposal, but operates closer to the surface string of the document. Brown (Globe. Set, Inc.). Brown, Globe. Set, Inc.

In order to ensure that the client software interfaces with the payment processing systems at each bank in a standard manner, the NPP has been defined and is described in this chapter. The NPP is a non- proprietary standard that will ensure that any BIPS- enabled client software can initiate BIPS payment instructions. The BIPS model is shown in Figure 4. All BIPS messages conform to the World Wide Web Consortium's (W3. C's) XML specification.

XML is a simplified subset of the Standard Generalized Markup Language . Each BIPS message begins with an XML header that includes the XML version number, document type, a reference to the BIPS DTD file, and the BIPS version number.

XML supports the creation of marker content that preserves data structure and promises web documents to be . The SML is an implementation of XML for the smart card industry. By separating the application process from the application protocol that is card- specific, smart. X makes possible to port quickly an application to a new smart card.

The innovation of smart. X technology relies on a strong description of the smart device data and attached processes. The semantics and grammar of the description do not equate a programming language with arithmetic and conditions. On the contrary, the data and protocol description is built upon the familiar foundations of the smart card industry, which simplifies programming for the developer. Active Content represents all the possible forms of XML as documents, data and meta- data, and the new class of information systems that will allow data or objects to be re- used and re- purposed by any application. The goal of Math.

ML is to enable mathematics to be served, received, and processed on the Web, just as HTML has enabled this functionality for text. In developing Math. ML, the goal was to define an XML- compliant markup language that describes the content and presentation of mathematical expressions. It does this by providing two sets of markup tags: one set presents the notation of mathematical data in markup format, and the other set relays the semantic meaning of mathematical expressions, enabling complex mathematical and scientific notation to be encoded in an explicit way.

Unlike HTML which was intended as a markup language for use by people, Math. ML is intended to be used by machines, facilitating the searching and indexing of mathematical and scientific information. Software tools that work with Math. ML render Math. ML into formatted equations, enabling users to edit mathematical equations much as one might edit HTML text. Several early versions of such Math. ML tools already exist, and a number of others, both freely available software and commercial products, are under development.

Sidje, David Fiddes, P. Karthikeyan). Another goal is to provide a WYSIWYG interface to Math.

ML. They need to move information from a tool to a repository and back. They need to exchange data between repositories. CDIF is also being standardized at an international level through ISO/IEC JTC1/SC7/WG1. Many of the major modeling, CASE and repository vendors, and some large user organizations have pooled their expertise and resources to develop this Family of Standards. Currently, the CDIF Family of Standards has 1. The CDIF standards development process is open- ended, and driven by the interests of the CDIF member organizations.

Any organization can become a CDIF member and thus influence current and future CDIF work. Compared to the HTML document type definition, XML- based document type definitions allow for a more strict definition of the content and content structure. On the other hand, the exchange of modeling information according to the CDIF architecture requires an even stricter set of rules to be followed than even in a strict application of XML. PGML is a 2. D scalable graphics language designed to meet both the simple vector graphics needs of casual users and the precision needs of graphics artists.

PGML uses the imaging model common to the Post. Script(R) language and Portable Document Format (PDF); it also contains additional features to satisfy the needs of Web applications. It is not meant to be a complete definition for PGML.

Many sections have been left open or have been labeled Ideas for Consideration so that the working group can develop the strongest possible language specification and ensure that it is fully compatible with other W3. C standards efforts. PGML should be compatible with and fully leverage all related W3. C standards efforts.

Introduction to Model- Based User Interfaces. Abstract. This is an introduction to Model- Based User Interfaces. Status of This Document. This section describes the status of this document at the. Other documents may supersede this.

A list of current W3. C publications and the. W3. C technical reports. TR/. This document was published by the MBUI working group and is. Task Models. and Abstract User Interfaces, which seek to define a basis for.

If you wish to. make comments regarding this document, please send them to. This is a draft document and may be.

It. is inappropriate to cite this document as other than work in. This document was produced by a group operating under the. February 2. 00. 4 W3. C Patent Policy. W3. C maintains a public list of. An individual who has actual knowledge.

Essential Claim(s) must disclose the information in. W3. C Patent Policy. Table of Contents. Introduction. The development of user interfaces (UIs), ranging from early.

Typically, the graphical user. GUI) of an interactive system represents about 4.

Myers and Rosson, 1. These figures, evaluated in the. Petrasch, 2. 00. 7). Figure 1. Distribution of UI development effort. Today, developers of UI for interactive systems have to. Heterogeneity of end users: an interactive system is. End users differ.

Heterogeneity of computing platforms, interaction. PC. tablet, embedded devices) using different input capabilities. Brain- Computer- Interaction). Heterogeneity of programming/markup languages and widget. UI, developers use different. Java, C++, HTML) with.

Swing, Qt, GTK+). Heterogeneity of working environments: many workflows in. As a result, developers. Variability of the context of use (< user, platform.

In addition to being heterogeneous, the. UIs. i. e. UIs capable of adaptation while preserving human values. Thevenin and Coutaz, 1. The dimensions that characterize. UI plasticity are presented in. The Problem Space of UI adaptation, UI Plasticity.

The purpose of Model- Based Design is to identify. This allows them to concentrate on more. For a comprehensive overview of the history and evolution of. MBUID, we refer to (Meixner, Patern.

As early as 1. 99. Szekely introduced a generic architecture for MBUID (Szekely. In 2. 00. 0, Da Silva described an architecture for UI. MBUID approach (Da Silva, 2. The first. version of a reference framework for multiple contexts of use UIs. Calvary et. al., 2.

This version was then extended with additional. July 2. 00. 2 (Calvary et. Calvary et al., 2. It was then named the. Cameleon Reference Framework (CRF) when accepted as a new. EU- funded FP 5 CAMELEON project, published in. September 2. 00. 2 (Calvary et al., 2.

CRF has now become widely. HCI Engineering community as a reference for.

UIs that support multiple contexts of use. CRF covers both the. In (Calvary et al., 2. UI plasticity. Figure 2. A simplified version of the Cameleon.

Reference Framework (CRF). Mappings and transformations between. As depicted in Figure 2, the CRF makes explicit a set of UI.

Tasks, Abstract UI, Concrete UI, Final UI) and. HCI Engineering community to discuss and express different. UI. The Task and Domain models correspond to the hierarchies of. UI). These AIUs are independent of any.

They can be grouped logically to map logically. The Concrete UI (CUI) model expresses the UI in terms of. Concrete Interaction Units (CIU) (or Concrete Interaction. Objects (CIOs) (Vanderdonckt and Bodart, 1. These CIUs are. modality- dependent, but implementation technology independent. PSM). The CUI concretely defines how.

UI is perceived and can be manipulated by end users. The Final UI (FUI) model expresses the UI in terms of.

A FUI can be. represented in any UI programming language (e. Java UI. toolkit) or mark- up language (e. HTML). A FUI can then be. The relationships between the CRF models include (Bouillon and. Vanderdonckt, 2. 00.

Concretization is an operation that transforms a particular. CRF shows a four- step. Task and Domain level (task model. Abstract UI. model, which in turn leads to a Concrete UI.

A Concrete UI is. Final UI, typically by means of code. Abstraction is an operation that transforms a UI. Reverse engineering of user interfaces is a. Translation is an operation that transforms a description. Reflexion is an operation that transforms a model into. The aforementioned relationships always preserve some.

In. order to address non- horizontal/vertical transformations. Cross- cutting (Limbourg and Vanderdonckt, 2. Orthogonal to the Task- Domain, AUI, CUI and FUI models, CRF. This includes numeric and/or symbolic. Although context of use is mainly defined based on information. The application domain, for. For example, in a safety.

Unlike the process initiated in the 1. CRF enables. entry and exit points at any level of abstraction from which any. This theoretical flexibility.

ISO 9. 24. 1- 2. 10). Even when. using a top down approach, developers can explore multiple. Figure 3. If so, developers have to ensure model consistency. Figure 3. One example of possible. CRF according to different. Task and Domain. Model. Benefits from using Model Based UI.

Development. This section provides a list of potential benefits that are. Model- Driven. Engineering (MDE) in general. Each potential benefit is then.

UI development. General MDE benefits. Hutchinson et al., 2. Benefits resulting from the existence of a step- wise.

Reducing the gap between requirements and implementation: a. MBUID. contributes to this by explicitly defining models related to.

UI that are captured and updated throughout the development. The output of a development step could serve as an. Among typical models are the. ISO 9. 24. 1- 2. 10). These models are often, but not.

UI is described. without describing its control flow. Other programming.

Grolaux, Van Roy, Vanderdonckt, 2. Coordinating the involvement of multiple stakeholders.

Benefits resulting from the use of explicit abstract. Planning an adequate level of abstraction: modeling. MBUID contributes to this benefit by defining. CRF. Improving communication by explicit models: the. For. instance, MBUID contributes to this benefit by explicitly. Supporting UI quality: (semi- )formal modeling languages. UI compliance with respect to requirements.

UI quality factors, usability guidelines (Fernandez et. WCAG), validation. Benefits from exploring alternative designs: Supporting creation & creativity: MBUID efficiently. Masson, 2. 01. 0).

Enabling the production and comparison of alternative. UIs need to be produced for multiple. MBUID facilitates the rapid production and. Pilemalm et al., 2. Benefits resulting from code generation: the benefits. Enhancing development productivity: code generation from a.

Consequently, MBUID. UI rapid, iterative, agile development, including UI. Coyette, Kieffer, Vanderdonckt, 2.

Capturing and reusing expert knowledge throughout UI. Reducing errors: automatic transformation avoids manual. Benefits from using models at runtime: Considering contexts of use that were not envisioned at. Garcia. Frey, 2. 01. Explaining and justifying the UI to the end user: the UI is.

Garcia Frey, 2. 01. Going beyond low level adaptation: adaptation can span from.

UI). Enabling UI evolution. When requirements continuously. UI should be repeatedly modified, and. This evolution could be governed by the user (i. Coutaz, 2. 00. 6)). IBM, 2. 00. 1)) or by both (i.

Models@run- time, 2. Eisenstein and Puerta, 2. Mitrovic. et al., 2. Benefits for supporting method engineering: Defining and enacting method for UI development process.

Knowledge about creation of modeling languages: MDE. MBUID. contributes to this benefit by bringing expertise about models. Usage of frameworks and tools: various software tools, such. Integrated Development Environments (IDEs), could support. MBUID. In more advanced model- driven engineering of UIs, tools. MDE steps, such as creating and processing. Maintenance of modeling language and transformations: Systematic and explicit definition of metamodels and.

This also works for MBUID. Maintenance of modeling languages and code generators.