Fitness- for- Service (FFS) Assessment, based on API 5. Microsoft Exchange Server Enable Pop3 Yahoo. ASME FFS- 1 2. 01. The course is aimed at plant engineers, non- destructive testing engineers, materials and corrosion engineers, plant inspectors responsible for managing the integrity of ageing process equipment, pipelines, boilers and storage tanks.

Asset Integrity Through Corrosion Management, Inspection, and Engineering Technology. Preliminary Program. Panel Descriptions. The API Inspection Summit was designed. Paulin Research Group - DOWNLOADS. If you would like a limited evaluation copy of PRG software, please download and completely fill out our Software Evaluation. API RP 579 Fitness for Service. API RP 580 Risk-Based Inspection. API RP 584 Integrity Operating Windows. September 23, 2011 Page 2. Corrosion Short Courses: API 579-1 / ASME FFS-1 Fitness-For-Service Assessments,presented by NACE certified Corrosion Specialist (#5047), WebCorr Corrosion Consulting. Prices quoted are exclusive of VAT/Sales tax where applicable. Please contact for pricing information on TWI's Integrity Management software. Pressure Cycle Fatigue Analysis - Pacifica Corrosion Consulting, Corrosion Consultancy, Corrosion Expert Witness, Corrosion Courses, Cathodic Protection Design, Metallurgical Expert, Forensic Expert, Expert.

Our work helps the industry invent and manufacture superior products consistently, provide critical services, ensure fairness in the marketplace for businesses and consumers alike, and promotes the acceptance of products and practices globally. They help speed acceptance, bring products to market quicker, and avoid having to reinvent the wheel every time a product is manufactured. Our standards are designed to assist industry professionals improve the efficiency and cost- effectiveness of their operations, comply with legislative and regulatory requirements, safeguard health, and protect the environment. See a list of all open ballots.

Information on the API Standards Program. Each year, API updates current standards, creates new standards and adopts existing standards. Addenda (amendments) and errata for published API standards are available via the API Publications Store.

API Global Webcasts and Engineering Partnership Program. API Standards Policy and Procedure Documents. The Intellectual Property (IP) Rights and Usage Policy provides information on API's copyrights and trademarks, and outlines the process of requesting to reproduce API- copyrighted material.

Api 579 Fitness For Service Software

2KG Training is a company specialising in training in Pumps and Pumping Systems Our target markets are pump companies, consultants, power utilities, water boards. Inspection Practices for Piping System Components 1. Scope This recommended practice (RP) supplements API 570 by providing piping inspectors with information that can.