P6. 12***Transfer functionality requires high- speed Internet connection to a Hopper with Sling DVR. Hopper with a Sling Adapter is not supported. Your mobile device must be connected to the same home network as the Hopper with Sling to transfer a recording and you must maintain an active DISH account to view transferred recordings. Select recordings are not available to transfer.
Fix: Start Menu and Cortana doesn't work in Windows 1. Make broken Start menu and Cortana to function again. Getting closer to the launch date of Windows 1. Start menu and cortana doesn’t open. If you’re experiencing this issue in Windows 1. Preview builds, try the following solution, it worked for me. Baixar O Filme Mortal Kombat 2 Dublado 1967.
READ: PCs that Cannot Run Windows 1. Upgrade icon After July 2. Fix: Start Menu and Cortana doesn’t work in Windows 1. Open run command, type Power. Shell and press enter to open it. Right click on its icon on taskbar and select Run as administrator.
Paste the below script. Get- App. XPackage - All. Users . Wait for the Powershell to complete the process, ignore any errors if displayed in the window. ALSO SEE: Windows 1. Default Apps Issue: How to set Chrome as default browser?
Once Powershell completes the process, click on the start button, start menu opens and cortana also works. UPDATE August 0. 4, 2. If you’re getting the error: . We’ll let you know when the fix is available. From my side, I suggest you to try the above fix, if that doesn’t work, try to reset by going to Settings > Update & Security > Recovery (before doing this ensure your sytem is activated, that’t the key), or wait till MSFT offers the solution to this.
UPDATE August 2. 6, 2. Microsoft suggests temporary workaround for this error, you need to enter into Safe mode and then getting back to normal mode fixes the issue, but the error may return later. CHECK: Temporary fix for Start menu and Cortana’s critical error.
UPDATE October 1, 2. Microsoft has released a cumulative update Kb.