Extensive Household Chemical Encyclopedia - Ingredients, Safety & Substitutes. Home > Household Chemical Encyclopedia. Hazardous Household Chemical Products Encyclopedia - Hazards Lurking in Your Home. Household Chemical Hazards: Welcome to one of the World Wide Web's most extensive guides to common household hazardous materials. In- home expert tester cut totally out of the picture. Those who test with this easy to use top- of- the- line kit usually will have a much better idea what the sources of indoor air pollution may or may not be because they can test for hidden mold colonies, over 4.
Formaldehyde gas, or cigarette smoke residues. It is an irritant with a characteristic sweet odor. If inhaled, cough and bronchial irritation, along with depressed respirations, may occur. Skin contact can cause peeling and splitting of nails and skin rashes. Visit Our Complete Guide to Acetone for extensive health and MSDS information about the specific Brands containing Acetone, the sources, the occupations, and diseases associated with Acetone. Back to Top / Back to List Acids are found in several household cleaning compounds, pool chemicals, solvents, wet cell batteries, and radiator flushers and cleaners.
Acids, which have a p. H range of 0 to 6. Vinegar, which contains four to six percent acetic acid, is generally considered non- toxic. Skin contact with acid may produce severe pain and risk of secondary infection and scarring. Chronic skin exposure to acids may cause mild irritation, dermatitis, or roughened skin. Inhalation of fumes may produce nose and throat irritation, coughing, chest pain, and even pulmonary edema. The onset of symptoms following inhalation of vapors may be delayed for several hours.
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When working with household products containing acids, wear protective gloves. Refer to the specific product for disposal recommendations. Back to Top / Back to List. Aerosol sprays (e. These pressurized aerosol containers are explosive and may be flammable. The fine particles emitted from aerosol sprays are easily breathed deeply into the lungs and quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. Thus, a chemical that is harmless to your skin may become extremely dangerous if inhaled as a mist.
Acute symptoms include headache, nausea, dizziness, shortness of breath, eye and throat irritation, skin rash, burns, lung inflammation, and liver damage. If spray is misdirected, chemical burns and eye injury can also occur. Intentionally inhaling aerosol gases for kicks, sometimes called . Storage of cans in direct sunlight, car trunks, and near furnaces, stoves, and ovens can result in explosion. When heated, aerosol gases can turn into toxic gases including fluorine, chlorine, chloride or hydrogen fluoride, or phosgene (military nerve gas).
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Reduction in the ozone layer and the resulting rise in ultraviolet radiation reaching the earth can result in increased rates of skin cancer, skin aging, eye damage, and Vitamin D poisoning. Before buying or using aerosol sprays, weigh their convenience against their potential health and environmental hazards. Use: Consider alternatives to aerosol sprays, including alternative methods of application.
Noise in ears, eye problems, vision changes,long lasting headache, numb face, swollen glands,heart palpitations,faint heart beat, shortness of breath, pain in joints. John Hersey's 1946 piece exploring how six survivors experienced the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, Japan, and its aftermath. 459 comments. Posted by Lisa Boyd on. Hi, my name is Lisa and I had H Flu Bacterial Meningitis in 1980. I was a little over a year old. Statistical Techniques
Keep away from children. Disposal: If the aerosol can is empty, dispose of it in the trash bound for the landfill. Aerosol cans burned in trash barrels can explode, scattering propellant and product.
If you must dispose of an aerosol can that isn't empty, discharge the contents of the container into a deep cardboard box outdoors, and allow it to dry. When the can is empty, it and the cardboard box can be thrown in the trash. Avoid inhaling the vapors. Alternatives: For the most part, aerosol sprays are no more effective than pouring, wiping, brushing, or dusting. Try to purchase products in pump spray, roll- on, liquid, or non- aerosol spray. Spray guns may be desirable in a case where you want to cover a large surface evenly.
HAZARDOUS HOUSEHOLD CHEMICAL INGREDIENTS and Possible Effects: CHLOROFLUOROCARBONS - When released into the air, destroys the ozone layer in the earth's upper atmosphere. No longer used in aerosol products manufactured in the USA. Back to Top / Back to List.
Air fresheners work in one of the following four ways: by interfering with your ability to smell by way of a nerve- deadening agent; by coating your nasal passages with an undetectable oil film; by covering up one smell with another; and (rarely) by breaking down the offensive odor. Despite their name, air fresheners do little to freshen the air. Aerosol fresheners can be harmful to lungs if inhaled in high concentrations or for prolonged periods of time. Solid fresheners may be poisonous if eaten by children or pets. Use: If freshener is in aerosol form, do not breathe fumes. Avoid skin contact.
Use only in well- ventilated areas. Storage: Keep out of the reach of children and pets.
Store away from heat or flame. Disposal: It is best to use up air freshener as it was intended. For unwanted portions of solid air freshener, allow to evaporate by exposing it to the air. Alternatives: There are several non- toxic ways to freshen the air in your home.
HAZARDOUS HOUSEHOLD CHEMICAL INGREDIENTS and possible effects: Formaldehyde - A suspected carcinogen and a strong irritant to the eyes, throat, skin and lungs. PETROLEUM DISTILLATES - Irritates skin, eyes, respiratory tract; may cause fatal pulmonary edema; flammable. P- DICHLOROBENZENE - Vapor irritating to skin, eyes and throat, causes liver damage in animal studies. AEROSOL PROPELLANTS - Either associated with brain damage or highly flammable. Back to Top / Back to List. Alkalies are commonly found in bleach, Ammonia automatic dishwashing detergent, low phosphate detergents, drain cleaners, oven cleaners, lime, color wave hair preparations, depilatories, alkaline disk batteries, Clinitest tablets for home glucose testing, and wet cement.
Alkalies, also called bases, all have a p. H range of 7. 1 to 1.
The corrosive effects of alkaline chemicals usually occur rapidly, sometimes with exposures as short as one second. Severe skin irritation and burns can occur from skin contact. Inhalation of fumes from alkalies may cause watering of the eyes, sneezing, coughing, choking, shortness of breath, and inflammation and irritation from the nose to lungs. When working with household products that are alkaline or contain alkalies, wear gloves to protect your skin. Make sure ventilation is adequate. For disposal recommendations, see the specific product such as drain cleaner. Back to Top / Back to List.
The ingredients in all- purpose cleaners are a combination of detergents, grease cutting agents, and possibly solvents and disinfectants. Plants Vs Zombies 2 Free Download Full Version Online. These products may contain one or more of the following hazardous ingredients: Ammonia, ethylene glycol monobutyl acetate, sodium hypochlorite, and trisodium phosphate. Depending upon the ingredients contained in the particular cleaner, they can be mildly to extremely irritating to the skin, eyes, nose, and throat, and corrosive if swallowed. Do not mix ammonia- based cleaners with bleach- based cleaners. Hazardous fumes will result! Cleaners that contain phosphates present a water pollution hazard.
Use: Wear gloves. Make sure that the ventilation is adequate.
Do not mix different cleaners together as toxic fumes may result. HAZARDOUS HOUSEHOLD CHEMICAL INGREDIENTS and Possible Effects: AMMONIA - Fumes irritate eyes and lungs; can cause burns or rashes on skin; can produce deadly chloramine gas if mixed with chlorine containing products. ETHYLENE GLYCOL MONOBUTYL ACETATE - Poisons animals, who are attracted to sweet smell; can cause damage to internal organs through skin absorption; inhalation can cause dizziness. SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE - Corrosive to skin and mucous membranes; fumes irritating.
Back to Top / Back to List. Many aluminum cleaners contain hydrofluoric acid which is extremely corrosive and toxic. Upon contact, it destroys the flesh down to the bone as the fluoride ion continues to act until it is neutralized by a calcium store.
Contents. Mathematical and Natural Sciences. Study on Bilinear Scheme and Application to Three- dimensional Convective. Equation (Itaru Hataue and Yosuke Matsuda). Study on Convergency of SOR Method by Domain Decomposition in. Parallel Computation (Itaru Hataue and Kinya Sakatani). On Improvement of Lossless Image Coding for a Computer Graphic. Illustration Image by Predictive Coding (Kei Inoue, Yutaka Kurotsuka, Shigeru Furuichi).
An Effective Use of Improved Stabilized Approximate INVerse Preconditioning. According to Characteristics of Computers (Yusuke Ikeda and Seiji Fujino). An Analyzing Method for GI/G/1 Queueing System (Yoshio Yoshioka).
Agriculture and Engineering. An Architecture to Allow Intrinsic Concurrency on Java Processors for. Embedded Systems (Progyna Khondkar, Masa- Aki Fukase, Clecio Donizete Lima and.
Tadao Nakamura). A New Method of Hand Gesture Configuration and Animation. Nicoletta Adamo- Villani and Gerardo Beni). MSL : Modified Secure Lock for Efficient Group Rekeying. Yaser M. Kara). Extension of the SQL3 Data Manipulation Languages for the Spatio- . Temporal Databases (Jong- Yun Lee). How the Dominance of Professional Practices Pose a Menace to Digital.
Society (Tomoyuki Nagase, Rausch Anthony Scott and Yoshio Yoshioka). Failure Probability Estimation from Inferior and Quality Mixed Populations.
Mathematical and Natural Sciences. Stochastic Dynamics of Actin- Myosin System Employing Fluctuation and.
Stochastic Resonance (Hiroyuki Matsuura, Masahiro Nakano and Liang- gang Liu). Application of Matrices Generated by Rank One Matrices in Mathematical. Science IV (Kunio Oshima and Ichiro Hofuku). A Weighted Least Squares Method for Priorities in AHP (Zeshui Xu).
On Fractional Differential Equations with Small Perturbation (Tsuyako Miyakoda). Online Recoverable Canadian Traveler Problem on a Road. Su Bing, Xu Yinfeng, Xu Yu and Zhu Zhijun).
Multi- Objective Constrained Nonlinear Optimization : An ODE Approach. Xiaowo Tang, Zongfang Zhou, Chungen Zhang and Yong Shi). Stochastic Dynamics of Complex Systems (I) Description of Micro- System. Macro- System (H. Matsuura, M. Nakano and L. L. Liu). Agriculture and Engineering. State Equation of Program Nets and Its Application to Reachability Analysis.
For SWITCH- less Nets (Shingo Yamaguchi, Kousuke Yamada, Qi- Wei Ge and Minoru Tanaka). Construction of Graph- Structured GIS Road Map using High- Resolution. Satellite Image (Md. Shahid Uz Zaman, Yen Wei Chen, Xiang- Yan Zeng. Dongshik Kang, Hayao Miyagi).
Speculation in Solving Maximal Elements Problem on the Pipelined Optical. Bus Systems with Various Processor Arrays (Haklin Kimm). On BNCpack, A Multiple Precision Numerical Computation Library and its. Parallelization (Tomonori Kouya). Mathematical and Natural Sciences.
An Overview of Methods for Determining Attribute Weights in Multiple. Attribute Decision Making (Zeshui Xu). Geometrically Nonlinear Structural Analysis by FEM Using the Coordinate. Value on a Deformed Body (Toshio Honma and Nobuyuki Ataka).
Stability Analyses of Wavelet Neural Networks (Shengzhong Xiao). Decoherence and Dissapation in a Double Quantum Dot. Satoshi Nakamura). Optimization Lay- out Problem in 3- Dimensional Finite Element Space. An Improvement of Ajiz- Jennings type of Incomplete Factorization. Preconditioning by means of Post Filtering (Masanobu Kakihara and Seiji Fujino).
On Counting the Number of Permutations with Constraints for case k=n- 7. How To Install Dual Battery On A Boat on this page. Wakana Tamada, Lei Li and Hiroshi Matsuno). Agriculture and Engineering. Could Wave Pipelines Overcome Commodity Pipelines ? Zhong). Improvement of Fuzzy C- Means Clustering Algorithm Based on Genetic.
Algorithm (Baowen Wang, Yingjie Wang, Wenyuan Liu. Chengyu Deng, Yan Shi and Shufen Fang). Microsystems for Biomedical Applications - Development of Micro Active. Catheter System and New Type of Micropumps - (Shuxiang Guo). Mathematical and Natural Sciences.
An Asymptotic Estimation for Counting of the General Occupancy Problem (Lei Li). Human and Social Sciences. Transliteration of Japanese Words in the Ancient Chinese Literature (Chuidong Jiang). Agriculture and Engineering. An Improved Neuro- Fuzzy Learning Algorithm (Yan Shi, Yongmao Wang and Xiaozhu Zhong).
Development of ECDIS Supported by Multi Data Format (Zuoliang Chen, Yanling Hao and. The Role of BA4. 6 of the Right Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex: A Functional. MRI Study (Yoshiro Sakayi, Sheng- Fu Lu, Jing- Long Wu, et al). Application of 3- Dimension Imaging Technology for Quality Evaluation of. Apple Fruits (Shu- Huai Zhang, Hirofumi Sutou and Hiroshi Fukuchi). A Novel Architecture without Crossbar for Fast Switch Core (Chun- Xiang Chen. Masaharu Komatsu).
A New Model Describing the Interaction between System and Human for. Pointing Tasks (Jing Kong, Xiangshi Ren and Xing- Qi Jiang). A Study of the Optimal Size for Pen- Input Character Boxes (Xiangshi Ren and. Medicine and Life Sciences. Anatomical and Radiological Studies on Degenerative Changes of the Ulnar. Wrist (Hao- Gang Xue, Chun- Ying Yang, Shan- Shun Luo et al). Thrombopoietin Activated the Cell Cycle of Blasts from Patients with.
Myelodysplastic Syndromes (Shan- Shun Luo, Chun- Ying Yang, Hao- Gang Xue, et al). Invited Paper. Recognizing Human Emotion and Creating Machine Emotion (Fuji Ren).
Mathematical and Natural Sciences. Pion Condensation in Asymmetric Nuclear Matter based on Relativistic. Calculations (Ken- ichi Makino, Nobuo Noda, Akira Hasegawa, Hiroaki Kouno.
Masahiro Nakano). On the Measurability of the Semantic Operators Determined by Logic. Programs (Anthony Karel Seda and Maire Lane).
Convergence of Quasi- Robust Incomplete Cholesky CG Method by Means. Of Uniformed Modification for Diagonal Entries (Masanobu Kakihara and Seiji Fujino). An Analysis of a Closed Loop Type Queueing System with a General. Service Distribution (Yoshio Yoshioka). Human and Social Sciences. The Process Improvement of the Software Development, which Conforms. To the Japanese Culture (Hidetaka Isaka).
Agriculture and Engineering. An Interactive Computer Animation Method for Learning Instrument Grasp. Nicoletta Adamo- Villani and Gerardo Beni). A Dependence Model for Concurrency in Java Programs (Jianjun Zhao). GIS- based Optimum Scheduling for the Sugar Cane Transportation. Problem using Tabu Search (Md.
Shahid Uz Zaman, Yen- Wei Chen, Masami Ueno. Hayao Miyagi). An Improved Chinese Sentence Similarity Measure. Rongbo Wang, Zheru Chi, Baobao Chang and Xiaojing Bai).
Control of Liquid Crystal Alignment by Laser (Yinghan Wang). Human- machine Cooperation for Plant Maintenance Activities and Early. Plant Abnormality Detection (Qiao Liu, Masayoshi Numano. Yasuyuki Niwa and Takeshi Matsuoka). Adaptive Threshold Parameters for Bilingual Dictionary Extraction from. The Internet Archive (Mohamed Abdel Fattah, Fuji Ren and Kuroiwa Shingo).
Chinese Automatic Question Answering System for Sightseeing Tourists. Haiqing Hu, Fuji Ren and Shingo Kuroiwa). Mathematical and Natural Sciences. Fuzzy Rule Generation Based on Genetic Algorithm (Baowen Wang, Chunjing Xiao.
Wenyuan Liu, Yan Shi and Shufen Fang). A Numerical Conformal Mapping onto the Radial Slit Domain by the Charge. Simulation Method (Kaname Amano, Dai Okano and Hidenori Ogata). The Classification of H- matrices (Masataka Usui, Kensaku Tomura, Hiroshi Niki and Lei Li). Roy*s Electre Method for Multiple Attribute Decision- making Problems based. Uncertain Numbers (Rui Wang and Jiuping Xu). Non- perturbative Qunatum Field Theory and Intermolecular Forces in Physical Chemistry.
Hiroyuki Matsuura, Masahiro Nakano and Tetsuya Nemoto). The Study on the Improvement of Synthesis of Dihydrocarvone and Stability Of Product. Yucang Zhang, Junhong He and Zhonglin He). Human and Social Sciences. Knowledge Management Between Fad and Relevance (Marin Fotache). Agriculture and Engineering.
The Development of Liquefaction Technology on Woody Waste (Yucang Zhang, H. Kobayashi). Towards Multilingual Syllabus Integration (Toshiro Minami and Sachio Hirokawa). Polynomial Networks Approach for Arabic Character Recognition (Raed Abu Zitar).