Ansari X Prize and was immediately retired from active service. Its mother ship was named . Both craft were developed and flown by Mojave Aerospace Ventures, which was a joint venture between Paul Allen and Scaled Composites, Burt Rutan's aviation company. Allen provided the funding of approximately US$2. Rutan has indicated that ideas about the project began as early as 1.
The vehicle first achieved supersonic flight on December 1. Wright Brothers' historic first powered flight. Space. Ship. One's first official spaceflight, known as flight 1. P, was piloted by Mike Melvill.
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A few days before that flight, the Mojave Air and Space Port was the first commercial spaceport licensed in the United States. A few hours after that flight, Melvill became the first licensed U. S. The overall project name was . Accelerating a spacecraft to orbital speed requires more than 6. Mach 3. It would also require an elaborate heat shield to safely dissipate that energy during re- entry.
The main structure is of a graphite/epoxycomposite material. From front to back, it contains the crew cabin, oxidizer tank, fuel casing, and rocket nozzle. The craft has short, wide wings, with a span of 5 m (1. There are large vertical tailbooms mounted on the end of each wing, with horizontal stabilisers protruding from the tailbooms.
It has gear for horizontal landings. The overall mass of the fully fueled craft is 3,6. Empty mass of the spacecraft is 1,2. In June 2. 00. 4, between flights 1.
P and 1. 5P, a fairing was added, smoothly extending the fuselage shape to meet the flared end of the nozzle. On flight 1. 5P the new fairing overheated, due to being black on the inside and facing a hot, black nozzle.
The fairing softened, and the lower part crumpled inwards during boost. Following that flight the interior of the fairing was painted white, and some small stiffening ribs were added. The craft has a single unsteerable and unthrottleable hybrid rocket motor, a cold gas reaction control system, and aerodynamic control surfaces. All can be controlled manually. See the separate section below concerning the rocket engine.
The reaction control system is the only way to control spacecraft attitude outside the atmosphere. It consists of three sets of thrusters: there are thrusters at each wingtip to control roll, at the top and bottom of the nose to control pitch, and at the sides of the fuselage to control yaw. All thrusters have redundant backups, so there are twelve thrusters in all. The aerodynamic control surfaces of Space.
Ship. One are designed to operate in two distinct flight regimes, subsonic and supersonic. The supersonic flight regime is of primary interest during the boost phase of a flight, and the subsonic mode when gliding. There are separate upper and lower rudders, and elevons. These are controlled using aviation- style stick and pedals. In supersonic mode the trim tabs are controlled electrically, whereas the subsonic mode uses mechanical cable- and- rod linkage. The wings of Space. Ship. One can be pneumatically tilted forwards into an aerodynamically stable high- drag .
This removes most of the need to actively control attitude during the early part of reentry: Scaled Composites refer to this as . One of the early test flights actually performed re- entry inverted, demonstrating the flexibility and inherent stability of Burt Rutan's . This feathered reentry mode is claimed to be inherently safer than the behavior at similar speeds of the Space Shuttle. The Shuttle undergoes enormous aerodynamic stresses and must be precisely steered in order to remain in a stable glide. Space. Ship. One is more similar to the X- 1.
An early design called for a permanently shuttlecock- like shape, with a ring of feather- like stabilising fins. This would have made the spacecraft incapable of landing independently, requiring mid- air retrieval. Canon Raw Codec Software Download. This was deemed too risky, and the hybrid final design manages to incorporate the feathering capability into a craft that can land in a conventional manner. The tiltable rear sections of the wings and the tailbooms are collectively referred to as . These are deployed using springs, assisted by gravity. Once deployed, they cannot be retracted inflight.
The spacecraft is incapable of independent takeoff from the ground. It requires a launch aircraft to carry it to launch altitude for an air launch. The parts of the craft that experience the greatest heating, such as the leading edges of the wings, have about 6. The main ingredient of this material was accidentally leaked to Air and Space. If it flew with no thermal protection, the spacecraft would survive reentry but would be damaged. There is an acknowledged .
This has been seen on Space. Ship. One flight 1. P where wind shear caused a large roll immediately after ignition, and Space. Ship. One flight 1. P where circumstances not yet fully understood caused multiple rapid rolls.
This flaw is not considered dangerous, but in both of these flights led to the achievement of a much lower altitude than expected. The details of the flaw are not public. The spacecraft cabin, designed to hold three humans, is shaped as a short cylinder, diameter 1. The pilot sits towards the front, and two passengers can be seated behind. The cabin is pressurized, maintaining a sea level breathable atmosphere. Oxygen is introduced to the cabin from a bottle, and carbon dioxide and water vapor are removed by absorbers.
The occupants do not wear spacesuits or breathing masks, because the cabin has been designed to maintain pressure in the face of faults: all windows and seals are doubled. The cabin has sixteen round double- pane windows, positioned to provide a view of the horizon at all stages of flight.
The windows are small compared to the gaps between them, but there are sufficiently many for human occupants to patch together a moderately good view. The nose section can be removed, and there is also a hatch below the rear windows on the left side. Crew ingress and egress is possible by either route. Spaceplane navigation. Together with the Flight Director Display (FDD), it comprises the Flight Navigation Unit. The unit was developed jointly by Fundamental Technology Systems and Scaled Composites.
The SNU is a GPS- based inertial navigation system, which processes spacecraft sensor data and subsystem health data. It downlinks telemetry data by radio to mission control. The FDD displays data from the SNU on a color LCD. It has several distinct display modes for different phases of flight, including the boost phase, coast, reentry, and gliding. The FDD is particularly important to the pilot during the boost and coast phase in order to .
A mix of commercial and bespoke software is used in the FDD. Hybrid rocket motor. It generates 8. 8 k.
N (2. 0,0. 00 lbf) of thrust, and can burn for about 8. The physical layout of the engine is novel. The oxidizer tank is a primary structural component, and is the only part of the engine that is structurally connected to the spacecraft: the tank is in fact an integral part of the spacecraft fuselage. The tank is a short cylinder of diameter approximately 1. The fuel casing is a narrow cylinder cantilevered to the tank, pointing backwards. The cantilevered design means that a variety of motor sizes can be accommodated without changing the interface or other components.
The nozzle is a simple extension of the fuel casing; the casing and nozzle are actually a single component, referred to as the CTN (case, throat, and nozzle). Burt Rutan has applied for a patent on this engine configuration. There is considerable use of composite materials in the engine design. Crack Mount And Blade War Band. The oxidizer tank consists of a composite liner with graphite/epoxy over- wrap and titanium interface flanges.