Cannabis (drug) - Wikipedia. Cannabis. A flowering cannabis plant. Product name. Cannabis. Pronunciation. Cannabis /'k. It may also be used for religious or spiritual purposes. In 2. 01. 3, between 1.
Let's talk about what it's like to smoke crack.
The possession, use, and sale of cannabis is illegal in most countries of the world. At higher doses, effects can include altered body image, auditory and/or visual illusions, pseudohallucinations and ataxia from selective impairment of polysynaptic reflexes. In some cases, cannabis can lead to dissociative states such as depersonalization. Some users may experience an episode of acute psychosis, which usually abates after six hours, but in rare instances, heavy users may find the symptoms continuing for many days.
On the festival of colors called Holi, it is a customary addition to some intoxicating drinks. It has been used in an entheogenic context – a chemical substance used in a religious, shamanic, or spiritual context.
There are several references in Greek mythology to a powerful drug that eliminated anguish and sorrow. Herodotus wrote about early ceremonial practices by the Scythians, thought to have occurred from the 5th to 2nd century BCE. In modern culture the spiritual use of cannabis has been spread by the disciples of the Rastafari movement who use cannabis as a sacrament and as an aid to meditation. The earliest known reports regarding the sacred status of cannabis in India and Nepal come from the Atharva Veda estimated to have been written sometime around 2. BCE. In India it is commonly made into a beverage, bhang. Adverse effects. Addiction experts in psychiatry, chemistry, pharmacology, forensic science, epidemiology, and the police and legal services engaged in delphic analysis regarding 2.
Cannabis was ranked 1. These statistics include visits in which the patient was treated for a condition induced by or related to recent cannabis use. The drug use must be .
Most of the illicit drug emergency room visits involved multiple drugs. The dose of THC needed to kill 5. Yogen Vocal Remover V 2 0 11 here.
Acute effects may include anxiety and panic, impaired attention, and memory (while intoxicated), an increased risk of psychotic symptoms, and possibly an increased risk of accidents if a person drives a motor vehicle while intoxicated. This condition is known as temporal disintegration. There have been few reports of symptoms lasting longer. This tar is chemically similar to that found in tobacco smoke.
Evidence for causing these cancers is mixed concerning heavy, long- term use. In general there are far lower risks of pulmonary complications for regular cannabis smokers when compared with those of tobacco. Because 9. 7% of case- reports also smoked tobacco, a formal association with cannabis could not be made. If cannabis arteritis turns out to be a distinct clinical entity, it might be the consequence of vasoconstrictor activity observed from delta- 8- THC and delta- 9- THC. Research in these events is complicated because cannabis is often used in conjunction with tobacco, and drugs such as alcohol and cocaine. The same review found that greater dose of marijuana and earlier age at onset of use were also associated with such alterations. It was also shown that giving THC or cannabis correlated with increased bloodflow in these areas, and facilitated activation of the anterior cingulate cortex and frontal cortex when participants were presented with assignments demanding use of cognitive capacity.
These deficits persist while chronically intoxicated. No effects were found in those who initiated cannabis use later, or in those who ceased use earlier in adulthood. In a survey of heavy users, 4. The rate goes up to 1 in 6 among those who begin use as adolescents, and one- quarter to one- half of those who use it daily according to a NIDA review. Researchers have subsequently confirmed that THC exerts its most prominent effects via its actions on two types of cannabinoid receptors, the CB1 receptor and the CB2 receptor, both of which are G- protein coupled receptors. Lesson Plan Role Play Activity.
These actions can be blocked by the selective CB1 receptor antagonist SR1. A (rimonabant), which has been shown in clinical trials to be an effective treatment for smoking cessation, weight loss, and as a means of controlling or reducing metabolic syndrome risk factors. These tests cannot, however, distinguish authorized cannabis smoking for medical purposes from unauthorized recreational smoking. The UNODC states that cannabis often contains 5% THC content, resin . It is likely that the higher THC content allows people to ingest less tar. At the same time, Cannabidiol (CBD) levels in seized samples have lowered, in part because of the desire to produce higher THC levels and because more illegal growers cultivate indoors using artificial lights.
This helps avoid detection but reduces the CBD production of the plant. The stalks and seeds have . A purported reason was the appearance of high potency cannabis. They believe skunk accounts for between 7. Although herbal cannabis and industrial hemp derive from the same species and contain the psychoactive component (THC), they are distinct strains with unique biochemical compositions and uses.
Hemp has lower concentrations of THC and higher concentrations of cannabidiol (CBD), which decreases the psychoactive effects. It varies in color from black to golden brown depending upon purity and variety of cultivar it was obtained from. Examples of solvents used in this process are cocoa butter, dairy butter, cooking oil, glycerine, and skin moisturizers. Depending on the solvent, these may be used in cannabis foods or applied topically. So far, the medical use of cannabis is legal only in a limited number of territories, including Canada, Belgium, Australia, the Netherlands, Spain, and several U.
S. This usage generally requires a prescription, and distribution is usually done within a framework defined by local laws. There is evidence supporting the use of cannabis or its derivatives in the treatment of chemotherapy- induced nausea and vomiting, neuropathic pain, and multiple sclerosis.
Lower levels of evidence support its use for AIDS wasting syndrome, epilepsy, rheumatoid arthritis, and glaucoma. Hemp seeds discovered by archaeologists at Pazyryk suggest early ceremonial practices like eating by the Scythians occurred during the 5th to 2nd century BCE, confirming previous historical reports by Herodotus. He described its uses for treatment of asthma, to expedite delivery, to keep away witches, and as a love- philtre. He also wrote that many Mexicans added the herb to their cigarritos or mescal, often taking a bite of sugar afterward to intensify the effect. Bourke wrote that because it was often used in a mixture with toloachi (which he inaccurately describes as Datura stramonium), mariguan was one of the several plants known as . Bourke compared mariguan to hasheesh, which he called .
In the United States, the first restrictions on sale of cannabis came in 1. District of Columbia). In 1. 92. 5 a compromise was made at an international conference in The Hague about the International Opium Convention that banned exportation of .
It also required parties to . The reasons that hemp was also included in this law are disputed—several scholars have claimed that the act was passed in order to destroy the US hemp industry. Only about 1/3 of the stem are long and strong fibers.
They argue that the purpose of developing the nylon was to produce a fiber that could be used in thin stockings for females and compete with silk. Many jurisdictions have lessened the penalties for possession of small quantities of cannabis so that it is punished by confiscation and sometimes a fine, rather than imprisonment, focusing more on those who traffic the drug on the black market. In some areas where cannabis use has been historically tolerated, some new restrictions have been put in place, such as the closing of cannabis coffee shops near the borders of the Netherlands.