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Your Political Beliefs Make You Bad at Math. According to a 2. Diary Of Anne Frank Original Edition Gone more. Yale study, when facts seem to contradict your political opinions, your brain will work so hard to protect your beliefs that you’ll do worse at math. And surprisingly, the effect is stronger on people who are usually good at math. Yale researchers asked participants to solve math problems about skin cream, and graded their ability. Then they swapped out the skin cream terms for gun- control terms.

Liberal participants had a harder time confirming a result that seemed to support looser gun laws; conservatives had a harder time with the reverse. Those who did best on the skin cream question did worst when challenged on the gun law question. This scary phenomenon could at least help us empathize with our political opponents, says blogger K. Thor Jensen: For me, this is a terrifying conclusion. The fact that doing math — a discipline in which there should be very little ambiguity — can be colored by my emotions and values calls the whole structure of the rational universe into question. But it also helps me to understand people on the other side of the spectrum a little better.
This isn’t new mental behavior; some scientists think that humans evolved reasoning not to logically analyze the world, but to win arguments. It evolved to help us convince others and to be careful when others try to convince us.” So we’re lucky we can ever see past our brains to recognize facts in the first place.
Maybe Don't Tell President Trump Any of Your Secrets. President Donald Trump hates leaks. Well, he hates leaks about himself. The president is 1. Russian officials in the Oval Office or telling the world about “off the record” conversations he has with CEOs. And it’s a great lesson for anyone thinking of confiding in the 4.
President of the United States. Just don’t. President Trump has been touting the newly announced Foxconn plant in Wisconsin that will reportedly bring jobs and an influx of cash to the state. But he insists that the amount of money invested by Foxconn might even be higher than reported. How does Trump know? He had an “off the record” talk with the CEO who told him as much.“He told me off the record he may go .
Trump’s comments came during a press conference at the White House yesterday about small businesses. Foxconn chairman Terry Gou has yet to respond about the off the record conversation.
You can watch a short video of Trump talking about their chat below. Download Inuyasha All Episode Subtitle Indonesia Fast. Secrets aside, the Foxconn deal definitely has more issues than the conservative press have been letting on. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has reported that Wisconsin already waives taxes on manufacturing profits, so the state will effectively be writing huge checks to Foxconn for the company to set up shop. From the Journal Sentinel: The subsidies for the deal would amount to nearly 5. Wisconsin taxpayers to secure a manufacturing plant in the state. Instead of getting the previous state standard of 7 cents in tax credits for every $1 in qualifying payroll checks to workers, Foxconn would get 1.
Gov. Scott Walker released Friday. And because Wisconsin already waives almost all taxes on manufacturing profits in the state, these incentives represent not a lost opportunity at collecting revenue but an obligation to pay cash to Foxconn out of the state treasury for up to 1. When including a $1. Tuesday. Was the CEO of Foxconn blowing smoke up Trump’s ass?
Did he even say what Trump says he did? We really don’t know. This is the guy who recently said that the Boy Scouts called him up to thank him for giving the greatest speech ever. The Boy Scouts actually apologized to parents for the politicization of the Boy Scout Jamboree and denies that anyone from the organization said it was the best speech ever. But the lesson remains.
If you want to keep a secret, don’t tell Donald Trump.