Set up Family Sharing - Apple Support. Use these steps to set up Family Sharing. You can start a new family group and invite people to join, or you can join someone else's family group. Family Sharing makes it easy for up to six people in your family to share each other’s i. Tunes, i. Books, and App Store purchases without sharing accounts. Pay for family purchases with the same credit card and approve kids’ spending right from a parent’s device.

And share photos, a family calendar, and more to help keep everyone connected. Start a family group. One adult in the family—the family organizer—can set up Family Sharing for the group from their i. OS device or Mac. When you set up Family Sharing, you'll be asked to confirm that you agree to pay for purchases initiated by the family members you invite and that you have a valid payment method on file. Valid payment methods for setting up Family Sharing include credit cards and debit cards.* On your i.

Phone, i. Pad, or i. Pod touch: Go to Settings > .

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If you're using i. OS 1. 0. 2 or earlier, go to Settings > i. Cloud. Tap Set Up Family Sharing, then tap Get Started. Confirm that you want to be the family organizer and that you're signed in with your personal Apple ID.

Follow the onscreen instructions. On your Mac: Choose Apple menu > System Preferences, then click i. Cloud. Click Set Up Family. Follow the onscreen instructions. After you set up Family Sharing, you can invite your family members to join.

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Eight Parts: Preschool classroom setup Creating centers Fine motor skills Gross motor skills. This article contains the troubleshooting steps to use when your remotes don't work, but the button on your wall still opens and closes the door. Set up iCloud on your Apple TV. It’s easy to get iCloud on your Apple TV. Just turn on Apple TV and enter your Apple ID. You can get access to all your photos and.

Invite people to join your family. As long as you're both using i. OS 8 and later or OS X Yosemite and later, you can add anyone who has an Apple ID to your family. If you have children, use these steps to create their Apple ID and add them to your group.

Use the steps below to add someone who already has an Apple ID. On your i. Phone, i.

Pad, or i. Pod touch: Go to Settings > . If you're using i. OS 1. 0. 2 or earlier, go to Settings > i. Cloud > Family > Add Family Member. Enter your family member's name or email address. Follow the onscreen instructions.

On your Mac: Choose Apple menu > System Preferences, then click i. Cloud. Click Manage Family. Click +, then follow the onscreen instructions. If your family member is with you, they can enter their Apple ID password on your device to accept the invitation. You can also send them an invitation, and they can accept from their device. If you have multiple Apple IDs in i. Tunes, you can invite each of your accounts to the group, so you can share purchases from your other Apple IDs with your family.

See if your family member accepted the invitation. After you send the invitation, you can check its status under the person's name.

On your i. Phone, i. Pad, or i. Pod touch, go to Settings > . If you're using i. OS 1. 0. 2 or earlier, go to Settings > i.

Cloud > Family. On your Mac, go to Apple menu > System Preferences, click i. Cloud, and select Manage Family. Then select that person's name to see the status of the invitation. If you need to resend the invitation, select Resend Invitation.

Join a family group. You can accept or decline an invitation to join a family from your device: On your i. Phone, i. Pad, or i. Pod touch, go to Settings > . If you're using i. OS 1. 0. 2 or earlier, go to Settings > i. Cloud > Invitations.

On your Mac, choose Apple menu > System Preferences > i. Cloud > Manage Family.

If the invitation is sent to your email address, you can respond right from your email on your i. Eliminator Winter Pool Cover Installation more. Phone, i. Pad, i. Pod touch, or Mac.

To accept an invitation, follow the onscreen instructions. Here's what you'll be asked to do when you join: If you can't accept the invitation, see if someone else joined a family with your Apple ID or is sharing purchased content from your Apple ID. Remember, you can only join one family at a time, and you can only switch to a different family group once per year. Start sharing. After your family members join, the features of Family Sharing are set up on everyone’s devices. Here's what you can do: Download eligible music, movies, TV shows, books, and apps from the i. Tunes, i. Books, and App Store.

Get an Apple Music Family Membership, then invite family members to join. Share family photos and videos. Open the Photos app, tap Family in the Shared tab, and add what you want to share. Use the Family calendar. Open the Calendar app to add, view, or change events and reminders in the Family Calendar. Find your family with the Find My Friends app.

Choose when to share your location with your family members. Help find family members' devices with the Find My i. Phone app. Manage your child's account or turn on Ask to Buy. Children under 1. Family Sharing group to use Game Center. Get help. Family Sharing requires a personal Apple ID signed in to i. Cloud and i. Tunes.

Music, movies, TV shows, and books can be downloaded on up to 1. Not all content is eligible for Family Sharing. Content can be hidden by family members; hidden content is not available for download.

Content downloaded from family members or acquired via redemption codes is not subject to Ask to Buy.*Accepted forms of payment vary by country or region.**Age varies by country or region.