Integrates federal research on climate and global change, as sponsored by thirteen federal agencies. Provides information on US Federal policy, news, publications and. Our world is covered with beautiful natural places, each rich with natural resources. The challenge for humans is how to harness those natural resources while.
Coastal Resources Management DESCRIPTION: Pennsylvania’s Coastal Resources Management Program (CRMP) offers a competitive grant program that administers funding provided by the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) through the Coastal Zone Management Act to preserve, protect, restore and enhance the resources of Pennsylvania’s coastal areas and to conserve the ecological value, biological importance and historical significance that these fragile areas where the land meets the water have to our environment. In order to craft effective plans to protect coastal waters, determining the source of contamination is important. Microbial source tracking has been used to identify fecal sources.
Source Molecular has more than 1. MST research and development. Its laboratory can detect fecal contamination from 1. Human, Cattle, Swine, Gull, Goose, Chicken, Dog, Deer, Horse, Elk, Beaver, Bird and Ruminant.
Eligible applicants for CRM grants include state agencies, local governments and authorities, schools and universities and incorporated non- profit organizations. DEADLINE: The current grant round is closed.
For more information, contact Stacey Box or Karen Price at 7. Coldwater Conservation Grants Program DESCRIPTION: The Coldwater Conservation Grants Program provides two grant opportunities, which help to protect and conserve the health of Pennsylvania’s coldwater ecosystems.
The two grant opportunities are: Planning Grant and Implementation Grant. The Planning Grant is designed to help develop a conservation plan that identifies the values and threats that impact the health of Pennsylvania’s coldwater ecosystems that have naturally reproducing trout. The collected information can be used as a catalyst for more comprehensive planning or for development of watershed improvements projects. Planning grants average around $5,0. The Implementation Grant is designed to provide funding to projects recommended in a completed conservation plan or report.
Potential projects must enhance, conserve or protect the coldwater stream for which the coldwater conservation plan was originally completed. Implementation grants average around $7,0. In identifying potential impacts, threats and problems to Pennsylvania’s coldwater streams, microbial source tracking could be useful if fecal contamination is suspected. MST is a set of methods used to determine the host (Human, wildlife, farms, and domestic animals) that contributes fecal pollution to water bodies. Source Molecular is one of the leaders in the MST industry with more than 1. MST services to various clients. The Coldwater Heritage Partnership (CHP) urges watershed groups, conservation districts, municipalities and local chapters of Trout Unlimited to apply for Coldwater Conservation Grants.
DEADLINE: The current grant round is closed. For more information, e- mail info@coldwaterheritage. Environmental Grant Program. DESCRIPTION: American Water administers an Environmental Grant Program that awards grants up to $1. To qualify for Environmental Grant funding, project activities and outcomes should address a watershed or source water protection need in the local community within American Water service areas. Source water protection projects are activities that result in the protection or improvement of the community’s public drinking water supplies.
Watershed protection projects should focus on activities that improve, restore or protect one or more watersheds. Roughly 2. 0,0. 00 water bodies in the United States are impaired and fecal pollution has been identified as one of the major causes. In protecting watersheds and water sources, addressing fecal pollution is a potential issue.
Microbial source tracking makes identifying the source of fecal contamination possible. Source Molecular uses quantitative PCR DNA technology to get more accurate results. The Company has assisted numerous researchers in its 1. American Water requires at least two partners involved in the project. Examples of partners could be municipalities, local environmental groups, conservation districts and schools. DEADLINE: The current grant round is closed. Growing Greener Watershed Protection Grants DESCRIPTION: The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection’s Nonpoint Source Management Program includes Growing Greener Watershed Protection Grants that support projects that will improve water quality in an impaired watershed including those polluted by agricultural, urban runoff and Abandoned Mine Drainage.
Other eligible projects include projects in non- impaired watersheds and Special Protection watersheds that protect water quality, where the watershed is threatened to become impaired due to nonpoint sources. The Department has prioritized activities and watersheds along with special watershed considerations to focus its efforts on protecting and improving water quality. In its 2. 01. 2 Recreational Water Quality Criteria, the EPA recognized that molecular source tracking tools may be useful in managing recreational waters to better protect public health.
MST tools may also be useful in confirming the presumed sources of fecal contamination in the watershed. Source Molecular Corporation has been providing MST services for more than 1. Eligible applicants to Growing Greener Watershed Protection Grants include incorporated watershed associations, counties or municipalities, county conservation districts, Council of Governments, tax exempt corporations, educational institutions and municipal authorities. DEADLINE: The current grant round is closed.
Rivers Conservation Program DESCRIPTION: The Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, through its Bureau of Recreation and Conservation, administers a Rivers Conservation Program where grants are awarded to municipalities, counties, municipal authorities, educational institutions and non- profit organizations to develop watershed/river- corridor conservation plans; acquire land or develop projects to address the recommendations in those plans; only for sites/locations listed on the PA Rivers Conservation Registry and recommended in a completed Rivers Conservation Plan. The Bureau will consider early implementation development projects for funding in watersheds not linked to a Rivers Conservation Plan if the project can stand on its own merits and presents a significant and unique opportunity that connects communities to their rivers and advances the goals of the Rivers Conservation Program. Surface water bodies like rivers are susceptible to nonpoint source pollution. For example, polluted runoff from agricultural areas would drain into nearby rivers and streams.
Complexity - Wikipedia. Complexity describes the behaviour of a system or model whose components interact in multiple ways and follow local rules, meaning there is no reasonable higher instruction to define the various possible interactions. Complex is composed of the Latin words com (meaning: . This is best contrasted with Complicated where plic (meaning: folded) refers to many layers. A complex system is thereby characterised by its inter- dependencies, where as a complicated system is characterised by its layers.
Complexity is generally used to characterize something with many parts where those parts interact with each other in multiple ways, culminating in a higher order of emergence greater than the sum of its parts. Just like there is no absolute definition of . However, a characterization of what is complex is possible. Neil Johnson states that . Many definitions tend to postulate or assume that complexity expresses a condition of numerous elements in a system and numerous forms of relationships among the elements.
However, what one sees as complex and what one sees as simple is relative and changes with time. Warren Weaver posited in 1. Though the interactions of the parts in a . Some would suggest that a system of disorganized complexity may be compared with the (relative) simplicity of planetary orbits – the latter can be predicted by applying Newton's laws of motion.
Of course, most real- world systems, including planetary orbits, eventually become theoretically unpredictable even using Newtonian dynamics; as discovered by modern chaos theory. These correlated relationships create a differentiated structure that can, as a system, interact with other systems. The coordinated system manifests properties not carried or dictated by individual parts. The organized aspect of this form of complexity vis- a- vis to other systems than the subject system can be said to . A system of organized complexity may be understood in its properties (behavior among the properties) through modeling and simulation, particularly modeling and simulation with computers.
An example of organized complexity is a city neighborhood as a living mechanism, with the neighborhood people among the system's parts. Robert Ulanowicz's treatment of ecosystems. For instance, for many functions (problems), such a computational complexity as time of computation is smaller when multitape Turing machines are used than when Turing machines with one tape are used. Random Access Machines allow one to even more decrease time complexity (Greenlaw and Hoover 1. Turing machines can decrease even the complexity class of a function, language or set (Burgin 2. This shows that tools of activity can be an important factor of complexity. Varied meanings. The most popular types of computational complexity are the time complexity of a problem equal to the number of steps that it takes to solve an instance of the problem as a function of the size of the input (usually measured in bits), using the most efficient algorithm, and the space complexity of a problem equal to the volume of the memory used by the algorithm (e.
This allows to classify computational problems by complexity class (such as P, NP, etc.). An axiomatic approach to computational complexity was developed by Manuel Blum. It allows one to deduce many properties of concrete computational complexity measures, such as time complexity or space complexity, from properties of axiomatically defined measures. In algorithmic information theory, the Kolmogorov complexity (also called descriptive complexity, algorithmic complexity or algorithmic entropy) of a string is the length of the shortest binary program that outputs that string. Minimum message length is a practical application of this approach. Different kinds of Kolmogorov complexity are studied: the uniform complexity, prefix complexity, monotone complexity, time- bounded Kolmogorov complexity, and space- bounded Kolmogorov complexity. An axiomatic approach to Kolmogorov complexity based on Blum axioms (Blum 1.
Mark Burgin in the paper presented for publication by Andrey Kolmogorov (Burgin 1. The axiomatic approach encompasses other approaches to Kolmogorov complexity. It is possible to treat different kinds of Kolmogorov complexity as particular cases of axiomatically defined generalized Kolmogorov complexity. Instead of proving similar theorems, such as the basic invariance theorem, for each particular measure, it is possible to easily deduce all such results from one corresponding theorem proved in the axiomatic setting.
This is a general advantage of the axiomatic approach in mathematics. The axiomatic approach to Kolmogorov complexity was further developed in the book (Burgin 2. Burgin and Debnath, 2.
Debnath and Burgin, 2. In information processing, complexity is a measure of the total number of properties transmitted by an object and detected by an observer. Such a collection of properties is often referred to as a state. In physical systems, complexity is a measure of the probability of the state vector of the system. This should not be confused with entropy; it is a distinct mathematical measure, one in which two distinct states are never conflated and considered equal, as is done for the notion of entropy in statistical mechanics. In mathematics, Krohn–Rhodes complexity is an important topic in the study of finite semigroups and automata.
In Network theory complexity is the product of richness in the connections between components of a system. Torrent Zeca Pagodinho 30 Anos Lyrics. In software engineering, programming complexity is a measure of the interactions of the various elements of the software.
This differs from the computational complexity described above in that it is a measure of the design of the software. In abstract sense – Abstract Complexity, is based on visual structures perception. Features comprise here all distinctive arrangements of 0's and 1's.
Though the features number have to be always approximated the definition is precise and meet intuitive criterion. Other fields introduce less precisely defined notions of complexity: A complex adaptive system has some or all of the following attributes. From one perspective, that which is somehow complex – displaying variation without being random – is most worthy of interest given the rewards found in the depths of exploration. The use of the term complex is often confused with the term complicated. In today's systems, this is the difference between myriad connecting . One such interdisciplinary group of fields is relational order theories. Behaviour. Chaos theory has investigated the sensitivity of systems to variations in initial conditions as one cause of complex behaviour.
Mechanisms. The topic is commonly recognized as social complexity that is often related to the use of computer simulation in social science, i. Systems. These systems are present in the research of a variety disciplines, including biology, economics, social studies and technology. Recently, complexity has become a natural domain of interest of real world socio- cognitive systems and emerging systemics research. Complex systems tend to be high- dimensional, non- linear, and difficult to model. In specific circumstances, they may exhibit low- dimensional behaviour. In information theory, algorithmic information theory is concerned with the complexity of strings of data.
Complex strings are harder to compress. While intuition tells us that this may depend on the codec used to compress a string (a codec could be theoretically created in any arbitrary language, including one in which the very small command . However, those studying complex systems would not consider randomness as complexity. Ho and Basu present a set of complexity measures for binary classification problems. Instance hardness is another approach seeks to characterize the data complexity with the goal of determining how hard a data set is to classify correctly and is not limited to binary problems.