Get started with Docker for Mac. Estimated reading time. Welcome to Docker for Mac! Docker is a full development platform for creating containerized apps, and. Docker for Mac is the best way to get started with Docker on a Mac.

Got Docker for Mac? If you have not yet installed Docker for Mac, please see Install Docker for Mac for an explanation of stable and edge. Looking for system requirements?

Check out. What to know before you install, which has moved to the new install topic. Check versions of Docker Engine, Compose, and Machine.

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Run these commands to test if your versions of docker, docker- compose, and. Docker. app. Your output will differ if you are running. Explore the application and run examples. Open a command- line terminal, and run some Docker commands to verify that.

Docker is working as expected. Some good commands to try are docker version to check that you have the. Docker is running. For something more adventurous, start a Dockerized web server.

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If the image is not found locally, Docker will pull it from Docker Hub. In a web browser, go to http: //localhost/ to bring up the home page.

Now, ports are exposed on the private IP addresses of the VM and. See also. Release Notes for Beta 9. Run docker ps while your web server is running to see details on the. If you want to stop the. A stopped container will not show up with docker ps; for. To stop and remove the running container with a single command, type.

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This will remove the container, but not the. You can list local images with docker images. You might. want to keep some images around so that you don’t have to pull them again. Docker Hub. To remove an image you no longer need, use docker rmi followed by an image ID or image name. For example, docker rmi nginx.

Want more example applications? Get Started and Samples are great places to start. Preferences. Choose - >.

Preferences from the menu bar. You can set the following runtime options. Note: The above example shows a user signed in for integrated. Docker Cloud access.

To learn more about the feature. Docker Cloud. General. Auto- start, update, backups, usage data.

Docker for Mac is set to automatically start Docker when you log in. If an update is found, click OK to accept. If you disable the check.

Check for Updates. Check Include VM in Time Machine backups to back up the Docker for Mac virtual machine. To “opt out” of storing your Docker login credentials.

Send usage statistics — You can set Docker for Mac to auto- send. This information can help Docker. Docker may prompt for.

File sharing. You can decide which directories on your Mac to share with containers. Add a Directory - Click + and navigate to the directory you. Click Apply & Restart to make the directory available to.

Docker’s bind mount (- v) feature. There are some limitations on the directories that can be shared: They cannot be a subdirectory of an already shared directory. They cannot already exist inside of Docker. See Namespaces in the topic on. Tip: File sharing is required for volume mounting if the project lives. Users directory. In that case, share the drive where the.

Dockerfile and volume are located. Otherwise, you will get file not found or. You can increase. Docker for Mac use fewer computing resources. Memory. By default, Docker for Mac is set to use 2 GB runtime memory, allocated from. Mac. You can increase the RAM on the app to.

Docker for Mac to use less memory. Disk image location (storage)You can specify the Disk image location of the Linux volume; i. You can move the disk image location. If you attempt to move the disk image to a location that. HTTP proxy settings.

Docker for Mac will detect HTTP/HTTPS Proxy Settings and automatically propagate. Docker and to your containers. For example, if you set your proxy.

Docker will use this proxy when pulling. Docker Daemon. You can configure options on the Docker daemon that determine how your. You can configure some Basic options on the daemon with.

Advanced to edit the JSON directly. The settings offered on Basic dialog can be. JSON as well. This version just surfaces.

Experimental mode. Both Docker for Mac Stable and Edge releases have experimental features enabled. Docker Engine, as described in the Docker Experimental Features.

Git. Hub. Experimental features are not appropriate for production environments or. They are meant to be sandbox experiments for new ideas. Some. experimental features may become incorporated into upcoming stable releases, but. Edge releases, and never.

Stable. On both Edge and Stable releases, you can toggle experimental mode on and. If you toggle it off, Docker for Mac uses the current generally available.

Docker Engine. You can check whether you are running experimental mode or not by typing docker. Experimental mode is listed under Server data. Add URLs for insecure. See also, How do I add custom CA. For a full. list of options on the Docker daemon, see. Docker Engine. command line reference.

After editing the daemon configuration , click Apply & Restart to save it. Docker. Or, to cancel changes, click another preference tab, then.

Uninstall or reset. Choose - >. Preferences from the menu bar, then click Uninstall / Reset on the. Preferences dialog. Remove all data - This option removes/resets all Docker data without. Uninstall - Choose this option to remove Docker for Mac from your system.

Reset to factory defaults - Choose this option to reset all options on. Docker for Mac to its initial state, the same as when it was first installed. Uninstall from the command line. Alternatively, you can uninstall Docker for Mac from the command line with this. Dockerfor. Mac. Path> - -uninstall. If Docker is installed in the default. You can move the Docker application to the trash.

So if an enterprise. SSL certificate is trusted by the user on the host, it will be trusted by Docker. Mac. To manually add a custom, self- signed certificate, start by adding. Mac’s keychain, which will be picked up by Docker for. Mac. Here is an example. Root - k /Library/Keychains/System.

Or, if you prefer to add the certificate to your own local keychain only (rather. Root - k ~/Library/Keychains/login. See also, Directory structures for.

Note: You need to restart Docker for Mac after making any changes to. For a complete explanation of how to do this, see the blog post Adding. Self- signed Registry Certs to Docker & Docker for. Mac. Adding client certificates.

You can put your client certificates in. My. Registry> :< Port> /client. My. Registry> :< Port> /client. When the Docker for Mac application starts up, it copies the ~/. Mac to the /etc/docker/certs. Moby (the Docker. Mac xhyve virtual machine).

You need to restart Docker for Mac after making any changes to. The registry cannot be listed as an insecure registry (see Docker. Daemon). Docker for Mac will ignore.

Commands like docker run that attempt to pull from. Directory structures for certificates. If you have this directory structure, you do not need to manually add the CA. Mac OS system login: /Users/< user> /.

For example, if you use. Homebrew: ln - s /Applications/Docker. Contents/Resources/etc/docker.

See Diagnose problems, send. Git. Hub. issues. As a part of reporting issues on Git.

Hub, we can help you troubleshoot. To give us feedback on the documentation or update it yourself, use the Feedback. Docker Store. Choose Docker Store from the Docker for Mac menu to get to the Docker app. Docker store is a component of the. Docker Hub, and the best place to find compliant, trusted.

Docker Images. Docker Cloud. You can access your Docker Cloud account from within. Docker for Mac. From the Docker for Mac menu, sign in to Docker Cloud with your Docker ID, or. Then use the Docker for Mac menu to create, view, or navigate directly to your. Cloud resources, including organizations, repositories, and swarms. Check out these Docker Cloud topics to learn more: Need a direct link to Cloud? Take me to Docker.

Cloud. Where to go nextmac, beta, edge, alpha, tutorial.

Git Tutorials and Training.