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Guide: Installing Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control Rel 5 on Oracle Database 11g and Linux by Mike Revitt.
Penetration Testing Tools Cheat Sheet. Introduction. Penetration testing tools cheat sheet, a quick reference high level overview for typical penetration testing engagements. Designed as a quick reference cheat sheet providing a high level overview of the typical commands you would run when performing a penetration test. For more in depth information I’d recommend the man file for the tool or a more specific pen testing cheat sheet from the menu on the right.
The focus of this cheat sheet is infrastructure / network penetration testing, web application penetration testing is not covered here apart from a few sqlmap commands at the end and some web server enumeration. Download Naruto Shippuden Episode 394 Subtitle Indonesia. Changelog. 17/0. 2/2. Article updated, added loads more content, VPN, DNS tunneling, VLAN hopping etc - check out the TOC below. Pre- engagement. Network Configuration. Set IP Addressifconfig eth. Subnettingipcalc xxx.
OSINTPassive Information Gathering. DNSWHOIS enumerationwhois domain- name- here. Perform DNS IP Lookupdig a domain- name- here. Perform MX Record Lookupdig mx domain- name- here. Perform Zone Transfer with DIGdig axfr domain- name- here. DNS Zone Transfers.
Email. Simply Email. Use Simply Email to enumerate all the online places (github, target site etc), it works better if you use proxies or set long throttle times so google doesn’t think you’re a robot and make you fill out a Captcha. GUI/Simply. Email.
Simply. Email. py - all - e TARGET- DOMAIN. Simply Email can verify the discovered email addresss after gathering. Semi Active Information Gathering.
Basic Finger Printing. Manual finger printing / banner grabbing. Banner grabbing with NCnc TARGET- IP 8. Host: TARGET- IP.
User- Agent: Mozilla/5. Referrer: meh- domain. Active Information Gathering. DNS Bruteforce. DNSRecon. DNS Enumeration Kali - DNSReconroot: ~#dnsrecon - d TARGET - D /usr/share/wordlists/dnsmap. Port Scanning. Nmap Commands. For more commands, see the Nmap cheat sheet (link in the menu on the right).
Basic Nmap Commands: Nmap UDP Scanning. UDP Protocol Scannergit clone https: //github. Scan a file of IP addresses for all services./udp- protocol- scanner.
Scan for a specific UDP service: udp- proto- scanner. Other Host Discovery. Other methods of host discovery, that don’t use nmap.