I outlined the setup of TMG and configuration for publishing OCS 2. R2 web components and then CWA services through that same server. Please reference that post for the basics around the network configuration for this TMG server, and I will cover configuring publishing rules for your Lync Server Simple URLs and web components in this post. Intro Information. First, I assume you have configured simple urls and web services when deploying your topology, and now need to publish this externally.
My URL information is as follows: Component. URLIP Internal. IP External. Port on Front End. Port on External/ISAWeb Serviceslyncweb. Dialin Simple URLdialin.
Meet Simple URLmeet. First off, let me point out by saying that you can use a single external IP address for all three of these URLs, as they go to the same place. Also, if you open IIS manager on your front end server, you will notice there is an internal, and an external site, the internal listens on 8. When proxying requests through TMG, you will be sending external clients to the external site, listening on 8. Also, one not so commonly known fact is that the Meet simple URL is required to provide external access to meetings.
Dynamics Telephony - Telephony for Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM, CTI, progressive dialer, click to dial and Screen Pop.
You will notice when clicking on the link to Join Online Meeting in your outlook, it is directing you to your meet simple URL. As far as certificates go, you must also have a certificate with the following names: Common Name: lynecwebservicesexternalurl.
Subject Alt Name(s): meetsimpleurl. Import this certificate to the TMG server, and you can proceed with the following steps for configuration. Another important thing regarding DNS: If you have a separate internal domain name, you will need split brain DNS to get this working. You should already have split brain DNS configured to get your internal clients to work with auto signin. For example, if your internal domain name is domain. URLs to the correct internal address.
Thanks to Adam in the comments for pointing this out and working through the issue with me. Check out this link for a great review on how this DNSconfiguration works for the rest of the services: http: //blogs. Steps to Create Publishing Rule. While in the TMG or ISA management console, Right click on Firewall Policy and choose New- > Web Site Publishing Rule.
Enter a name for the rule like Lync Web. Follow the wizard with the following options: Select Rule Action : Allow.
Skype for Business Recording and Compliance. With the Verba Recording System you can add enterprise-grade call recording capabilities to the Microsoft Lync 2010/2013. Polycom offers the broadest portfolio of video solutions that work natively with Skype® for Business. The solutions are designed to work seamlessly and provide. XenDesktop, XenApp and Citrix Receiver Support for Microsoft’s VDI Plug-in for Skype for Business and Lync. On the week of January 9, 2017, Microsoft added some considerable new offerings within the Skype Operations Framework. While SOF is helpful in many aspects, its. Phones, Headsets, and Cameras. Cisco UC Integration for Microsoft Lync supports the same CTI devices as Cisco Unified Communications Manager Version 8.6(1).
137 thoughts on “ The ten reasons I hate Microsoft Lync the most ” Dave Simm September 7, 2012 at 12:01 pm. It sounds as though your Lync install requires some. Your goal may be to standardize on a single vendor, but it may not be practical to do so in the near term. Detailed guide on publishing lync web services through forefront threat management gateway (Tmg) 2010. AudioCodes One Voice for Skype for Business includes AudioCodes’ Microsoft-qualified end-to-end voice elements, wide-ranging services and extensive expertise to.
Publishing Type: Publish a single web site or load balancer. Server Connectivity Security: Use SSL to connect to the published Web server or server farm.
Internal publishing details: Internal Site Name: FQDN of front end server If your internal server is a Standard Edition server, this FQDN is the Standard Edition server FQDN. If your internal server is an Enterprise pool, this FQDN is a hardware load balancer VIP that load balances the internal Web farm servers. The TMG Server must be able to resolve the FQDN to the IP address of the internal Web server. Clarendon Bt Light Font Download. If the TMG Server is not able to resolve the FQDN to the proper IP address, you can select Use a computer name or IP address to connect to the published server, and then in the Computer name or. IP address box, type the IP address of the internal Web server.
If you do this, you must ensure that port 5. TMG Server and that it can reach an internal DNS server or a DNS server that resides in the perimeter network. Path (optional): /*Public Name Details: Public Name: FQDN of external web services. Select Web Listener: Select New(This will open the new web listener wizard)Web Listener Name: Anything you want, something like Lync Web Listener)Client Connection Security: Require SSL secured connections with clients. Web Listener IP Address: Select External and then Select IP Address choose the appropriate IP address and add it to the listener. Listener SSL Certificates: Select Assign Certificate for Each IP Address, select the IP associated before, and choose your valid certificate. Authentication Setting: No Authentication.
Single Sign On Setting: Ignore, click Next. Complete the web listener wizard and choose Finish.
Authentication Delegation: No Delegation, but client may authenticate directly. User Set: Ignore, click Next. Complete the rule configuration wizard and choose Finish. Then at the top hit Apply to save the configuration.
Once the rule is created, there are a couple important settings that need to be changed, this is really the only thing that makes the Lync setup different from OCS R2. Open the newly created rule and modify the following settings. On the To tab, ensure that the Forward the original host header instead of the actual one check box is checked. On the Listener Tab, click to modify the properties of the web listener. Navigate to the Connections tab and enable port 8. On the Bridging tab, select to Redirect requests to SSL port and Redirect requests to HTTP port, enter 8.
On the Public Name tab, add the Simple URLS to the list of allowed public names. Once these changes have been made, Apply the configuration and you are done.
To verify access, you can test the following URLs in Internet Explorer. For address book server: https: //externalwebservicesfqdn/abs.
You should receive an HTTP challenge, because directory security on the ABS folder is configured for Windows Authentication by default. For Web conferencing: Generate an online meeting request in Outlook, or a meet now request in Lync 2. URL provided from external, it should be similar to this: https: //meet. KG2. K4. HDMFor Group expansion: https: //externalwebservicesfqdn/Group. Expansion/service. For Dialin: https: //dialinsimpleurl. You should now have functioning simple URLs and web services which provide the following functionality: Enabling external users to download meeting content for your meetings.
Enabling external users to expand distribution groups. Enabling remote users to download files from the Address Book Service.
Accessing the Reach client. Accessing the dial- in Web page. Accessing the Location Information Service. Enabling external devices to connect to Device Update Service and obtain updates.