Summary. With the introduction of transparent data encryption (TDE) in SQL Server 2. SQL Server 2. 00. TDE, or the file- level encryption options. Windows. TDE is the optimal choice for bulk encryption to meet. TDE works at the. Windows. TDE does not replace cell- level.
EFS, or Bit. Locker. How To Install Firefox On Fedora 20 Download. This white paper compares TDE with these other encryption. While this is. not a technical, in- depth review of TDE, technical implementations are explored. The user is assumed to be familiar with cell- level encryption and. Implementing database encryption is covered, but not the.
You can also download. Microsoft Word version of this article. Table of Contents. Introduction: Encrypting at the. Database Level 1.
Microsoft SQL Server Encryption. Cryptographic Key Hierarchy. How to Enable TDE. How Data is Encrypted. What Is Encrypted.
Impact on the Database. Database Backups 5. Other Features that Write to Disk. Cell- Level Encryption.
Comparison with TDE. Recommended Usage with TDE. Extensible Key Management 7. Windows File Encryption. Encrypting File System. Comparison with TDE. Recommended Usage with TDE.
Bit. Locker Drive Encryption. Bit. Locker and EFS. Comparison with TDE. Recommended Usage with TDE. Conclusion. 9. Introduction.
Encrypting at the Database Level. Transparent data encryption (TDE) is a new encryption feature. Microsoft. Implementing encryption in a database traditionally. For example. to use encryption in Microsoft SQL Server 2. These issues are not unique to SQL Server; other.
Custom schemes are often. Even basic database elements such as creating an index or using foreign. TDE solves these. Thus, all data types, keys, indexes, and. While cell- level encryption cannot offer these. Windows. Both use the key management hierarchy. Cryptographic Key Hierarchy.
At the root of encryption tree is the Windows Data Protection API. DPAPI), which secures the key hierarchy at the machine level and is used to.
SMK) for the database server instance. The SMK. protects the database master key (DMK), which is stored at the user database. These in. turn protect symmetric keys, which protect the data. TDE uses a similar. The primary difference is that when you use. TDE, the DMK and certificate must be stored in the master database rather than in.
A new key, used only for TDE and referred to as the database. DEK), is created and stored in the user database.
This hierarchy enables the server to automatically open keys and. The important. distinction is that when cell- level encryption is used, all keys from the DMK. This breaks the. decryption chain and forces the user to input a password to access data.
In. TDE, the entire chain from DPAPI down to the DEK must be maintained so that the. TDE. In both cell- level. TDE, encryption and decryption through these keys is provided by. Windows Cryptographic API (CAPI). The following figure shows the full encryption hierarchy. The. dotted lines represent the encryption hierarchy used by TDE.
Figure: SQL. Server encryption key hierarchy with TDE and EKMTDETransparent data encryption is the new database- level encryption. SQL Server 2. 00. How. to Enable TDETo enable TDE, you must have the normal permissions associated.
Ensure. that the database master key is encrypted by the service master key (SMK). CREATE MASTER KEY ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = . For the best security, it is recommended that you create a new. DEK. Ensure that this.
DMK. CREATE CERTIFICATE tde. Cert WITH SUBJECT = . Be. sure to maintain backups of the certificate as data loss may occur otherwise. BACKUP CERTIFICATE tde. Cert TO FILE = . These require.
CONTROL permissions on the database. This certificate is referenced as a server certificate to.
CREATE DATABASE ENCRYPTION KEY WITH ALGORITHM = AES. This. command starts a background thread (referred to as the encryption scan).
ALTER DATABASE my. Database SET ENCRYPTION ONTo monitor progress, query the sys. The server starts a background thread (called the encryption. TDE). While the DDL executes, an update lock.
The encryption scan, which runs asynchronously to the. DDL, takes a shared lock. All normal operations that do not conflict with these. Excluded operations include modifying the file structure and.
While normal database writes to disk from the buffer. The scan also forces a rollover.
VLF) to ensure that future writes to the log are. This is discussed in more detail later in this white paper. When the encryption scan is completed, the DEK state is set to the. Encrypted state. At this point all database files on disk are encrypted and.
Supported encryption. AES with 1. 28- bit, 1. Data is encrypted in the cipher block chaining (CBC) encryption. The encrypted database files that are written to disk are the same size.
IV) and encrypted DEK are stored within the existing space. Because the. log is padded to the next VLF boundary, the log will grow in size. Note that. while the database state is marked as Encryption enabled, the actual state of. DEK state. When the background. DEK state is set to Encrypted. At this point, future. This is explained in more detail later.
What Is Encrypted. TDE operates at the I/O level through the buffer pool. Thus, any. data that is written into the database file (*. Snapshots and. backups are also designed to take advantage of the encryption provided by TDE. Data that is in use, however, is not. TDE does not provide protection at the memory or transit. The transaction log is also protected, but additional caveats apply.
For data that is in use, all pages are decrypted as they are read. The operating. system may page data out of memory as part of memory management. In this. process, decrypted data may be written to disk. Windows and SQL Server can.
Other OS actions such as hibernation and. Data in transit is not. SSL should be enabled to protect communication between the server and.
When the database page file is written to disk, the headers are. The header contains status details such as the. The header also includes a data corruption checksum (CRC). Users. can have both a checksum on the plaintext and a checksum on the encrypted text. All other user data that is stored in the database page is.
When TDE is enabled on any user database, encryption. This. prevents temporary objects that are used by the user database from leaking to. System databases other than tempdb cannot currently be encrypted. TDE. Encrypting at the I/O level also allows the snapshots and backups. TDE. The certificate that was used to protect the DEK when the. Thus, you must maintain backups for all certificates used, not just. The transaction log is more complicated.
Because the transaction. TDE does not attempt to encrypt. Similarly, the log. TDE is enabled will.
The TDE background scan forces the log to roll over to the next. VLF boundary, which allows for the key to be stored in the header. At this. point, if the file scan is also complete, the DEK state changes to Encrypted.
Impact. on the Database. TDE is designed to be as transparent as possible.
No application. changes are required and the user experience is the same whether using a TDE- encrypted. While TDE operations are not allowed if the database has any read- only. TDE can be used with read- only filegroups. To enable TDE on a. After the encryption scan completes, the filegroup can be set. Key changes or decryption must be performed the same way.
The performance impact of TDE is minor. Because the encryption. This allows for full range and equality scans. In tests using. sample data and TPC- C runs, the overall performance impact was estimated to be. Encryption is CPU intensive and is performed at I/O. Therefore, servers.
I/O and a low CPU load will have the least performance impact. Applications. with high CPU usage will suffer the most performance loss, estimated to be.