Before you can treat dry skin properly, you need to know what's causing those dry, itchy patches. Here are seven common causes of dry skin. The key symptom of dry skin is itching. People who have dry skin can often find rough, dry, red patches on their skin, and these patches are often itchy.

I have some idea, though. At first I just thought it was dry and peeling in that spot, but then it began to feel different than a chapped lip when I ran my tongue over it. The perfect way to describe it was as if I had gotten a smear of superglue on that spot and it wasn't my real skin. I know a few of you know what that feels like! But it came back after a week. This time I was concerned, because it was larger and in the exact same spot. Who Is On My Wifi 2 1 3 Finalistas on this page.

I came here and looked at all of the comments. Cancer, herpes, candida.. How To Install Windows 95 On Dosbox Turbo For Android on this page. Dear God, you people have scared the bejeesus out of me. I was also dealing with some type of eye swelling at the same time, as well as a swollen lymph node, so I was doubly freaked out.

Burt's Bees regular lip balm - less dry, but still rough and definitely still numbish. Then I tried flax seed oil (Google .

I didn't notice any real difference after a day. Then, I found a regular container of good old Carmex lying around and saw that it works on . So, that's what I did. The layer of dead whatever (eww) came off, I cleaned my lip with a **** towelette and put on another layer of Carmex.

  1. However, you may have a condition.
  2. Learn about the diseases and conditions that may cause dry skin. Other symptoms and signs associated with dry skin include flaking, itching, and redness.

However, it could have been the combo of flax oil, then Carmex. I've had a few more dry areas around the perimeter of the affected area to peel off. The texture of the lip is smooth, but a bit tight because it's fresh skin. I'm alternating between the Carmex and Burt's Bees, which don't dry as quickly as the Blistex.

Rough Dry Patch Of Skin On Top Of Foot

The numbness is about 1. I think in a day or two, I'll stop obsessing over it. But at least I'll know what to do if my immune system takes a day off and lets this thing come back.

If it does turn out to be something serious, do a little research on the Budwig diet before you agree to have your lip cut or burned off. We kind of need to keep those if at all possible ; ). By the way, I am not affiliated in any way with Carmex and in fact prefer Eos organic lip balms.