You can use the JArduino (Java-Arduino) library, which provides a Java API to control your Arduino using serial port (using a USB cable, or wireless devices behaving. Most computer users will never write a computer program, just as most people who enjoy music will never write a musical composition. However, creating programs can be.

Java Security Tutorial - Step by Step guide to create SSL connection and certificates. In our series of articles on applying. JEE security we present you another detailed tutorial on how to create a SSL connection and create certificates in a Java EE application. As mentioned in our previous article Secured Socket Layer (SSL)/ Transport Layer Security (TLS) will enable a secured connection between the client and the web server. The client will use HTTPS connection to use the web resources.

Java provides various security based APIs which can help to create a secured connection with the client and sending / receiving messages in an encrypted format: Java Cryptography Architecture(JCA)Java Cryptographic Extension(JCE)Java Secured Socket Extension (JSSE)To enable a SSL connection the web server needs to have a Digital Certificate which will allow clients to trust the authenticity of the web application. The application which wants to send an encrypted message applies for a Digital Certificate from the Certificate Authority (CA). The CA validates the application owner details and other identification details and issues a digital certificate.

In Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) scheme a digital certificate is issued by a CA and it contains Distinguished Name(DN) /owner’s name/ subject, a serial number to uniquely identify the certificate, owner’s public key, issuing date, expiry date, Distinguished name of the CA, digital signature of the issuing authority (CA), signature algorithm which is used to create the signature. Digital certificates issued by the CA can be kept in registries so that the authenticating users can use the owner’s public key. How does browsers recognizes the authenticity of the application or website using the certificates? All commercial CA have relationship with the major web browsers so that their root certificates are embedded in their browsers. The browser’s SSL compatibility can be checked through the certificate store which provides the information about the CA certificates which are stored in the browser’s store. Alternatively the CA websites also provide the information about the browser’s SSL compatibility. The below image shows the certificate details for a sample website http: //abcgen.

JSR-82 : Java Bluetooth Articles, Tutorials and Discussion Forums about Java Bluetooth Programming and JSR-82 Bluetooth API. Socket programming in Java This is a quick guide/tutorial to learning socket programming in Java. The Socket class is documented at Lesson 1: Socket Communications

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The below certificate assures the client that the authenticity of the owner has been verified and digital certificate has been issued to ABCGen Idiotechie plc with a Common Name as www. Note: For security reasons we have not used any reference to a live website.

Java I/O tutorial with full example, including file, temporary file and directory manipulation, file serialization and compression with Zip or GZip. The JRuby community is pleased to announce the release of JRuby Homepage: http:// Download: Java Security Tutorial – Step by Step guide to create SSL connection and certificates. Serial Communication Example using Pi4J. The following example demonstrates how to transmit and receive data using the Raspberry Pi serial port.

The example used in this article is for illustrative and learning purposes only. Amazon Account Hacked Email Changed Notification there. This example shows that the certificate is issued by Verisign as Class 3 which denotes that Verisign has performed an independent verification and validation of the owner. This is not a specified PKI standard.

The next field denotes the validity of this certificates. The fingerprints denotes the public key but in an encoded format. The data is hashed using a cryptographic hash function SHA1 and MD5. Sample Certificate Details. The below diagram displays the Certificate Hierarchy.

The first item denotes the Root certificate and the second one displays the extended validation. The certificate authorities (CA) provide higher security certificates known as Extended validation. All the major web browser’s key store will contain the information about the root and extended validation which will enable them to authenticate a particular application’s authenticity. Certificate Hierarchy. Hope everybody got the concept. Now let’s try some coding. Products used: IDE: Netbeans 7.

Java Development Kit (JDK): Version 6 Glassfish server: 3. Authentication Mechanism: Form Based authentication Authentication server: LDAP Open. DS v. 2. 2 Objective: Create a SSL connection between web server and the client. Step 1: Create a Server certificate in Glassfish server. Open a command prompt in windows - > Go to the . C: \Net. Beans\7. GF3\domain. 1\config> Step 2: We will use keytool command to generate the certificates.

Keytool is a key and certificate management utility provided by Java SE 6. Run the keytool command as follows: > keytool - genkey - alias server- alias - keyalg RSA - keypass changeit - storepass changeit - keystore keystore. The command will ask for the following details: What is your first and last name? Ideally in production environments this field should include application server’s name.> > What is the name of your organizational unit?? The keystore contains the private key of the server while truststore contains the CA certificates or the public keys only. This is a cleaner demarcation of the certificates and the keys where private keys can be kept in more secured environment in the keystores but public keys can be kept in more accessible option in the truststore.

However in this example since we do not have a CA certificate the server certificate is stored in the trusted store. Step 7: From the server configuration perspective let’s go to the server admin console. Then click Configurations - > server- config- > HTTP Service - > http- listeners- 2.

Http- Listeners- 2 denotes the secured HTTPS port 8. Click the SSL tab and modify the Certificate Nick- name to “server- alias” as per the certificate we have created above. Application Server SSL settings. Step 8: Restart the server.

So all the server related configurations are now done. Let’s move into the application code. We will use the same application code used for http: //idiotechie. The only change required is in web.

CONFIDENTIAL< /transport- guarantee>. The CONFIDENTIAL protection mode is used when the application wants to prevent others entities to view the contents of the transmission. Build, deploy and run the application. Now even if you try to type the URL http: //localhost: 9. Sample. Web. App/index.

HTTPS connection through https: //localhost: 8. Sample. Web. App/index.

Since the certificate produced by the server is self signed one instead of a certificate from CA the browsers gives a warning message notifying that the website’s security certificate cannot be trusted. This is due to the fact that browser’s truststore does not contain these certificates. Secured Application. We can add the certificate in browser’s exception list to avoid future warnings. Let’s now try to check the certificate details of the sample application from the Mozilla Firefox browser: Localhost Certificate Details.

Hope my readers were able to understand how to create digital certificate and secure a web application. If you like this article please share this in the social networking sites and help us grow. Download Sample Code below.

The second edition of the book is out now. I Had Trouble In Getting To Solla Sollew Lesson Plan there. The new edition has several new chapters; new scenarios; end- of- chapter drill and practice sections added; more gradual introduction; improvement of presentaion of key concepts; new Greefoot features included; programming with Microsoft Kinect. Please visit the book's web page for more information about this new edition.