Everyone breathed more freely when the foul stream had ceased its flow along our quiet roads. Brockman gave a talk at Henley Mission Room after Evening Service, recalling how, during the Indian Mutiny, British soldiers were permitted to remove their jackets during the fighting as it was so hot. He was known to be so miserly that a stick of raw rhubarb and a portion of bread would suffice for his dinner, with currants crushed in water to wash it down. It was a very hot day and he was in a strong perspiration when he arrived. A long and joyously- awaited event. Is it a great thing to.
Port Manteaux churns out silly new words when you feed it an idea or two. Enter a word (or two) above and you'll get back a bunch of portmanteaux created by jamming.
May 1. 90. 3 Our Football Club is to be. Ten matches played, four. August 1. 90. 3 During the summer months Capt Groom will hold a series of outdoor services in different parts of the parish. I hope no- one will make them an excuse for not coming to Church. The present issue is 2. October 1. 90. 5 . It will give them some wholesome reading instead of the.
Gypsies from the fair. Fernhurst String Band as. July 1. 90. 7 . He always climbs the chimney, if sufficiently wide for him to do so, and cries . A wholesome meal will do wonders in destroying the craving for drink. In spite of numerous subscriptions lists circulating, fundraising is slow, but a dance and a jumble sale have helped funds along, which now stand at . Tea was served to 2. In the evening there was a play performed by the Girls’ Club and a dance rounded off the momentous day.
Currently Dr Duke pulls out. However, if couples play together for the whole evening instead of changing partners, that will be within the law. Groom, who has been appointed Lay Reader at Henley, has also been taking services at St Margaret’s Chapel in Kingsley Green, in the absence of the vicar. Civil Defence, Stretcher Detachment and Dispatch Riders have also been organised.
Three socials and whist drives. France. March 1. 91. Fernhurst’s vicar, Rev. George Harvey Ranking, joined the Army as a Chaplain.
The children were the winners of a competition to write an essay on . After the closure of Chase’s shop. Green in 1. 93. 8 she becomes known as .
These improvements include work on the Green, behind the Village Hall and at Kingsley Green. All clear given at 1. They were served with a thick soup with vegetables as the cooking. This was followed by a pageant, a display of country dancing and finally a concert by the Canadian Army Band stationed in nearby Bramshott.
Lessons continued as normal. Many disagreed with him. Helpers included the Land Army, who supplied the chairs. A star attraction was bowling for a pig. They were Miss Edith Williams of Plant. Protection, Miss Pat Thompson from Upperfold Farm and Miss Edith Hanwell.
Cotchets Farm. Goals were scored by Glue, Embling and Heath. Unfortunately one of the utility. Mr W Wells. has been appointed senior warden for the village. The cold was so intense the visiting goalkeeper collapsed. It was written and presented by a large cast of villagers. Money was tight, so Queen Anne’s costume was made from a pair of damask curtains.
People are getting nervous about lighting their fires, said a member of the Fire Brigade. Luckily there were no casualties. Possible sites are being considered.
She was voted. for by more than one hundred children and an appreciably greater number. The Revels were held on the Recreation.
Ground for the first time. Twenty former May Queens attended the May. Queens’ Tea, including Mrs Sarah Woodhams, 8. May Queen in 1. 88.
May 1. 95. 5 Two wins for Fernhurst Football. Club – they beat Mayfair FC from London 4- 3 and Godalming a.
May 1. 95. 5: The Fernhurst Medical Loan Depot of the British Red Cross issued 8. Korea, and over 1,0. The home side replied. Internet Download Manager 6 17 Build 5 Final Chingliu Logic Pro here. The. following week they were all out for 5. Easebourne! September 1. The Choral Society selected. Gallacher. was at his best and Ken Larbey made a satisfactory debut.
March 1. 95. 6 The Verdley Players’ production of . It was decided. to roll and mow it rather than risk the Recreation Ground machinery. Butler scored a hat- trick. There were also toddler races and decorated vehicles. Traffic currently speeds through the village at up to 7. Mr Lambert. was the MC.
Their first production, in aid of Village Hall. At the Parish Council. Fernhurst’s village status. Classes continued at the old school for several years and the new school was officially opened by Dr C Read, Director of Education on 2. May 1. 97. 1. Although much stock was lost, the fire was prevented from spreading thanks to the prompt action of the fire brigade. A team of ladies turned out to play against a team whose gender was not attuned to the clothes they wore.
On Saturday 7. 3 runs to 3. Stedham and 1. 25 runs to 9.
Tillington on Sunday. Members enjoyed a film, a display of light weaponry. D Elliott. D Hall and M Begent were the top scorers. A recording of his last service. Walter Wells recalled. WW2. Others fled to the. Haslemere. Town Bank to watch the Cup Final.
Happily, a tent had been set up for members of Haslemere Town Band and equipped with a tv to watch the Cup Final. This became a refuge for many, while others took shelter in the Church. There were many sideshows and a raffle which raised. Cows had been grazed there for many years and the ground was only recently returned to a suitable condition.
A local expert said later that it could have been a small meteor. Mr Farnham and a faithful few have turned up every.
The presentation was made by Mrs Jenny Mitchell, whose husband John was director of Overseas Marketing at ICI. One of the pigs, by name of Percival, liked to socialise with. They also held a Donkey Derby which raised. Trevor Brash, one of the organisers, said .
Class I are also fundraising. Home. Dr Denis Hanly has taken over the practice. Mrs Audrey Hayes and Mrs Pru Nichol are among the leaders encouraging notice and experienced needlewomen alike.
It was greeted with much delight. Celebrations also included go- karting, a Velcro wall, a song specially written for the occasion and the release of hundreds of balloons to raise money for charity. For many children it was the first time they had seen many of these animals. Carla Barnes has been co- ordinator for Fernhurst’s entry for the last three years. Currently funds stand at . Helen Ouin gathered an eclectic mix of items including the school punishment book, May Queen memorabilia, photos and documents.
A specially trained operator will access this service for customers. Instead of raffle tickets, punters wrote their names on . The orchard manager reckoned that they must have picked at least 2,5. Star attraction was the guy, built by Ronnie Main, which sat tied to a chair on a 2. The redundant school kitchen has been transformed into a spacious and homely room especially for the purpose.
Guest speaker Martin Muncaster enthralled the audience with his limitless fund of Sussex songs and stories told in a rich Sussex accent. It was a treasure trove of furniture, bric- a- brac and collectables.
Residents in the Hurstfold area were relieved that they were now no longer having to endure the smell and other nuisances. A large eagle owl flew round the hall and rather unnervingly perched on tables.
Parish News. Nov 1. One of the first jobs for two new members of the Village Hall Trustees Committee, John Bounds and Peter Hudson, was to clamber over a flat roof and help reduce a 2. Each of the 2. 4- strong audience was given one to play and the result was actually quite musical! The centre has six computers, caf. Local arts and crafts were also on show. Fortunately the council relented and the service has been saved.
BBC i. Player - Lifestyle. Diagnosed with motor neurone disease, Lucy Linott is determined to love, laugh and live. Mins. Available for 1.