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Did Scientists Just Spot the First Exomoon? Tomtom One V3 Code Hack Crackdown there. Thanks largely to NASA’s Kepler space telescope, astronomers have found thousands of exoplanets lurking outside our solar system. Finding what creeps around those planets, however, has proven itself to be incredibly challenging. While scientists have had a few close calls with exomoons over the years, so far, no discovery’s been legit.

But a group of astronomers at Columbia University now think they’ve found an exomoon for real, roughly 4,0. After mulling over old Kepler data, the researchers think they’ve found evidence of the telescope spotting a Jupiter- sized planet and a Neptune- sized moon passing in front of a star, called Kepler- 1.

When a planet and/or moon passes in front of a planet, or transits, it causes a dip in light, which is why the team here thinks they’re onto something. They plan to confirm their finding using the much more powerful Hubble Telescope.“After our largest survey to date, we have recently detected a strong candidate moon signal in the light curve of Kepler- 1. Hubble observing time on October 2. The planet exhibits three transits in the Kepler data (P~2. But if past flubs prove anything, it’s that spotting exomoons is trickier than it sounds.“Exomoons are hard to detect because moons are typically much smaller than their host planets and thus typically don’t affect the transit eclipse light changes, except if the moon is large as in the case of this system,” Edward Guinan, a professor of astronomy and astrophysics at Villanova University, told Gizmodo.

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Indeed, a Neptune- sized moon would challenge our solar system- centric understanding of what a “moon” is. But is it worth hunting for exomoons for any particular reasons, other than the fact that it’d be cool to find them?“Because moons are numerous in our solar system, they are likely very common in other planetary systems. Additional observation proposed with Hubble may be able to confirm this exomoon,” Guinan said. Who doesn’t want to discover an alien moon? If we strike out again, big league telescopes like the James Webb Telescope will do the trick one day—fingers crossed.

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