In this project I'm going to show you how you can use userforms to run a complete order and inventory management system. This is a training project series. Windows 7 Adobe Reader X Slow Printing On Hp. Previously I have demonstrated how this can be done at a worksheet level in the VBA series . But the most important feature is that we can filter all this information over time and check the stock levels of all stock. If you have successfully completed other projects of mine then you may wish to give this a burl. The template for order and inventory management is available for download below and all of the code will be included in the article. To help with the learning process I have added videos to show the steps involved.
Retired Available Introduction Code VBA tools help write better VBA programs faster, includes VBA source code.
If you want to customize order and inventory management with userforms to your needs may I suggest that you go through the tutorials and get this working as I have created it and then customize the project? You will have better success if you first understand how the application is pieced together. This application is could possibly be used for a small business application. An Access database would be a better for a larger volume of data. What you will learn in “Order and Inventory Management with Userforms”Extensive userform tutorials. Looping through userform controls.
Vlookup in userforms. Multiple dependent lists in userforms. Dynamic named ranges. Static named ranges.
Dependent data validation lists. Conditional formatting.
Protect and unprotect with code. IF function. Vlookup function.
Navigation with hyperlinks. Sorting data without selecting. Advanced Filters. Dynamic charts. Download the free template to get you started.
Note: This is not the completed project it is a template to help with the project. Online PC Learning Order and Inventory Management Template. Watch this video for an overview of Order and Inventory management Userforms. In our next page we will take a test drive and add our first userform to Orders and Inventory. This application has been designed by Trevor Easton for training purposes.
The application as is or modified in not permitted for sale in any form. No warranties are implied or given with this application. Order and Inventory Management: Userforms Plus + Part 2. Free Microsoft Off ice Tutorials. Take a test drive and add our first userform to Orders and Inventory. Order and Inventory Management Watch this video for an overview of Order and Inventory Management Userforms This is the form we will be creating Userform properties and toolbox. Color the background of the userform.
Here is the code to add that makes it all happen. I’m using a very different method here to move the data from our user form to the worksheet database. I have used a . When you run the loop add a text string for each control called Vendor and add the variable X which stands for the variable . Pretty cool!! I use this three times in this procedure, firstly to check that the cells have value then to add the value and finally to clear the values once the procedure is completed.
You’ll notice in the middle of the code that we call a worksheet function Countif to check to see whether we have previously added this supplier. This will prevent any duplicates from occurring and being transferred to our database. Now you might be thinking that there’s not too many controls here just 9 of them why not refer to them individually and transfer their values? The reason is that in our other user forms as an example the order user form we have approximately 9.
You will notice that I have added icons for all the command buttons in the user forms in this application. I simply created these icons with shapes/word art/and clipart in Microsoft Excel and then created an image with the snipping tool that Windows provides. Make sure that you save your images in the. JPG format. I’m more than happy to send you a copy of these icons if you pop me an email.
I like the look of them that it may not be your cup of tea. Okay well he is the code and don’t forget to watch the video.'—————————————————————————————' Procedure : cmd. Supplier. Look carefully at the 7 sections and try to see what each piece of code is accomplishing. Code for the Products userform. Please take the time to carefully read through this code and look at the image above and try to see what each piece of the code is achieving.
If you do this you will be in a position to be able to edit the code if you need to customise the form to suit your needs.'—————————————————————————————' Procedure : cmd. Add. Product. It will now be added to the category list.. They will be called from the button on each sheet and from the menu userform when we create it. This code will toggle the Supplier Userform.
This code will toggle or turn on and off the user form so if the user form is visible it will turn off. Dynamic named range called ! L$6,,,COUNTA(Products! L$6: $L$2. 00))Dynamic named range called !
C$6,,,COUNTA(Supplier! C$6: $C$1. 00. 0))Add the rowsource for for your suppliers to add the data to the dropdown list. In the properties for the combo box add supplier for the Rowsourse.
Set the Show. Modal to False on all userforms. All of the userforms need to be non- modal so it is necce. Select the Userform the right click and select properties then Categorised / Behaviour /Show.
Modal/False. In our next section we will set up a userform to add stock. Make sure you have a clear understanding of all of the processes so far before you move on.
Order and Inventory Management: Userforms Plus + Part 4. Watch this video for adding the Add Stock (Recieving) Userform Order and Inventory Management Userforms. The dynamic named range below is for the area in our advanced filter.
Make sure that you include the headers in this named range because advanced filters always reference headers and the headers must include the same text in all three locations. This the dynamic named range called ! C$5,,,COUNTA(Products! C$5: $C$2. 00. 00),2)This dynamic named range will pick up all the descriptions for our products. K Lite Codec Pack 64Bit 500 Ml. Is this named range that we will use as the Rowsource for the second combobox in our receiving userform. Unlike the previous dynamic named range do not include the header in this range.
Here is the formula for the dynamic named range called ! O$6,,,COUNTA(Products! O$6: $O$1. 00. 00))Add the named ranges Category and Products to the Userform comboboxes. You will need to do this for each combobox. Add the name to the rowsource. When you record the advance filter which I suggest that you do this is the modified code that needs to be referred too. The modifications that you will need to include to the advanced filter to make sure that each range specifically references “Sheet.
Cat. Reference the illustration below and notice the three actions that this code is taking. Adding the criteria for the advanced filter to Sheet. Clearing the values from the 2nd to 6th control. Adding the row source “Product” to the next combobox.'—————————————————————————————' Procedure : Arec. We clear the row source in the previous control. The code is looked up from the worksheet range called “Data”3. The unit price is looked up and added from the worksheet gain from the range called “Data”4.
We then multiply the quantity by the cost to get our total. Please take the time to carefully read through this code and look at the image below and try to see what each piece of the code is achieving. If you do this you will be in a position to be able to edit the code if you need to customise the form to suit your needs.'—————————————————————————————' Procedure : Arec. Notice that we set the last control to a currency format .