While many people with narcissistic personality disorder don't realize they are a narcissist, others are extremely self-aware of their habits. But it can be difficult. Everything was going great until it came time for ATLAS to exit the stage. Even though the robot had successfully pulled off the maneuver in rehearsal, ATLAS really.
The results were initially hilarious but soon unravelled. The bullet- shaped ship (a whopper that’s 4. And 4. 9 of its 5.
The sole survivor was janitor Jorj (Oliver Lansley), one of those blue dudes last seen six episodes ago in Oxygen. In his panic at the new arrivals attracting the attention of “them downstairs”, Jorj shot the only human: our Bill. Our voluminous- haired heroine glanced down in disbelief at the gaping hole in her chest before collapsing and being taken down for “repairs”. Was she dead? The Doctor thought not, so left a haunting message in Bill’s subconscious: “Wait for me.”.