Then, select either the Temple or Town Center and choose to research the technology. The description is the Osiris issues another Pharaoh to govern your people. Enable the . Do this as many times as desired. Each time it is enabled, you can use each of your God Powers one more time.
Then, use the Son of Osiris God Power on both of your Pharaohs to have two Sons of Osiris. About every three to five minutes, another Pharaoh will appear near your Town Center, which you will then use the God Power on.
Within fifteen to twenty minutes, you should have about eight to ten of these powerhouses. By doing this, you can wipe out an enemy base that stretches over half of the map without losing one of them. When you have them attack something, the lightening that shoots from their rods will also reach through the initial target to up to four other enemy units or buildings. Son of Osiris kills animals. If your Son of Osiris targets an enemy and there are animals nearby, his chain lightning attack might strike the animals. It kills the weaker animals in a single shot, which is quite funny to watch. Stronger attacks for your units.
In any mission or random map game, enable the . Enable the . Then, use all of your Flaming Weapons on any unit, all in rapid succession.
It will bolster all of your units' attack. When the time runs out for the Flaming Weapons, the high attack value will remain and will not wear off. Note: This requires the latest patch for the game. Driver Ethernet Windows 7 Hp Pavilion G4 Bluetooth. One way gates. Use the following trick to build a gate that you can use, but not your allies (to prevent them from using the resources around you). First, build a Fortress, Migdol Stronghold, Hillfort, or any kind of Tower.
Enclose your city with walls. Have the Fortress or Tower be a part of the walls. When you want a unit to get from one side of the wall to another, have them garrison inside the Fortress or Tower. Then, set the gather point to the opposite side.
When you eject the units, they will be on the other side of the wall. Note: This does not work on units that will not garrison inside buildings. King of the Hill. When playing the King of the Hill map, be Poseidon. As soon as the game starts, cast Lure just beside the Plenty Vault in the middle of the map. The Lure Stone will capture the vault.
While it will not win you the game (unless if the vault is on an island), it will get you extra resources in the time it takes your opponent to try to reclaim it. Floating enemies. Enter Mount Olympus and get a few Niddhogs.
Raid an enemy city and continuously use Meteor Power on large warrior armies. Sometimes an enemy will be floating while kicking their legs. Get rid of them by building over them. Cheat Codes. While playing the game, press . MONDAYFast construction. L3. 3T SUPA H4. X0.
RFaster game. LETS GO! NOW! Flying purple hippo. WUV WOOForkboy. TINES OF POWERFull map. LAY OF THE LANDHerd animals fattened. ENGINEERED GRAINHide map. UNCERTAINTY AND DOUBTLaser bear. O CANADALightning storm, earthquake, meteor, tornado.
WRATH OF THE GODSLots of monkeys. I WANT TEH MONKEYS!!!!! Maximum Favor. MOUNT OLYMPUSNew random god powers. PANDORAS BOXNight. IN DARKEST NIGHTRed water.
RED TIDEReveal all animals on map. SET ASCENDANTSlow down units. CONSIDER THE INTERNETSmall hero campaign army. ISIS HEAR MY PLEATurn enemies into goats. GOATUNHEIMUnits can move over water.
CHANNEL SURFINGWalking berry bushes god power. FEAR THE FORAGEWin scenario.
THRILL OF VICTORYSteam achievements. Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select . Annihilation: Kill 1. Champion of the Community: Be victorious in 1. Commander of Gaia: Lead Gaia to victory 1.
Commander of Hades: Lead Hades to victory 1. Commander of Isis: Lead Isis to victory 1.
Commander of Kronos: Lead Kronos to victory 1. Commander of Loki: Lead Loki to victory 1. Commander of Odin: Lead Odin to victory 1. Commander of Oranos: Lead Oranos to victory 1.
Commander of Poseidon: Lead Poseidon to victory 1. Commander of Ra: Lead Ra to victory 1. Commander of Set: Lead Set to victory 1. Commander of Thor: Lead Thor to victory 1.
Commander of Zeus: Lead Zeus to victory 1. Conquest Certified: Play 1. Conquest games. Creating a Masterpiece: Complete 1. Wonders. Deathmatch Certified: Play 1. Deathmatch games. Defeat the Army: Defeat 1.
AI opponents single handedly! Defeat the Battalion: Defeat 6 AI opponents single handedly! Defeat the Brigade: Defeat 8 AI opponents single handedly! Defeat the Company: Defeat 5 AI opponents single handedly! Defeat the Division: Defeat 9 AI opponents single handedly! Defeat the Horde: Defeat 1. AI opponents single handedly!
Defeat the Platoon: Defeat 4 AI opponents single handedly! Defeat the Regiment: Defeat 7 AI opponents single handedly! Defeat the Soldier: Defeat 1 AI opponent single handedly! Defeat the Squad: Defeat 2 AI opponents single handedly! Defeat the Troop: Defeat 3 AI opponents single handedly!
Demolition: Destroy 2. Eradicator of the Machine: Be victorious against 1. AI opponents. Foe of Gaia: Defeat Gaia 1. Foe of Hades: Defeat Hades 1. Foe of Isis: Defeat Isis 1. Foe of Kronos: Defeat Kronos 1.
Foe of Loki: Defeat Loki 1. Foe of Odin: Defeat Odin 1. Foe of Oranos: Defeat Oranos 1. Foe of Poseidon: Defeat Poseidon 1. Foe of Ra: Defeat Ra 1.
Foe of Set: Defeat Set 1. Foe of Thor: Defeat Thor 1. Foe of Zeus: Defeat Zeus 1. Horror Unleashed: Complete 2. Titans. Hour of Alpacas: Participate in Alpaca Hour.
Leader of the Fearless: Host 2. Lightning Certified: Play 1. Lightning games. Master of Conquest: Be victorious in 1. Conquest games. Master of Deathmatch: Be victorious in 1. Deathmatch games.
Master of Lightning: Be victorious in 1. Lightning games. Master of Supremacy: Be victorious in 1. Supremacy games. Master of Treaty: Be victorious in 1.
Treaty games. One Among the Eager: Play 5. One Among the Flock: Play 1. Remember the Fallen: Lose 5.
Ruler of Atlantis: Complete the New Atlantis campaign. Ruler of Gold: Complete the Golden Gift campaign.
Ruler of Knowledge: Complete the Learn to Play campaign. Ruler of the Trident: Complete the Fall of the Trident campaign. Stone and Steel: Complete 1. Fortress type buildings. Supremacy Certified: Play 1.
Supremacy games. Time to Rebuild: Lose 1. Treaty Certified: Play 1.