Learn Game Animation With These Pixel Art GIFs. Windows 7 Ati Catalyst Control Center. Game maker (and co- founder of game studio Mini. Boss) Pedro Medeiros knows pixel art, and he wants to teach you. Every Tuesday since September, he’s posted an animated GIF demonstrating an aspect of animation.

Some focus on pixel art, like cleaning up corners or simulating movement smaller than one pixel. Others explain more general artistic techniques like drawing ruins or animating fire. And others address aspects of game design, like level design and character design. Download Pokemon Onto Iphone 4S. Each tip is so specific, yet so elegant and compact, that it’s fun to read whether or not you plan to try it yourself.

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Game maker (and co-founder of game studio MiniBoss) Pedro Medeiros knows pixel art, and he wants to teach you. Every Tuesday since September, he’s posted an.

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It’s like flipping through a cookbook of animation. Medeiros’s GIFs belong in the animation tutorial canon with Khan Academy’s Pixar in a Box series or Disney’s 1. Principles of Animation. Check out all the GIFs for free on Medeiros’s Patreon feed.

With the release of Silverlight 1.0 and its subsequent versions, a debate started among designers and developers regarding choosing between Flash and Silverlight. Ever notice how Christopher Nolan’s movies (Interstellar, Inception, The Prestige) feel like an anxiety attack? Well, maybe that’s overstating things a bit. For more walking references, try the Animation Walk Reference playlist, this collection from animator Tim Rudder, or this “Thriller”-themed video from animator.